Let’s Review Government!
Oligarchy, Democracy, or Autocracy? What’s that Government? Parliamentary Presidential Or Both? What’s That Picture? Wild Card True or False
Q: 100 Absolute Monarchy
Q: 200 Individual freedom People elect their government.
Q: 300 The leader has not been elected and uses force to control all aspects of social and economic life.
A: 300
Q: 400 A government where only a few people have power. South Africa in the past and the Greek City States are examples.
Q:500 Tsar Nicholas II, Mussolini, Josef Stalin, Russia, United Kingdom.
Q:100 My name is Jad and I am from Israel. The leader of my country is the Prime Minister. There is a President, but he does not have as much power as the Prime Minister.
Q:200 Today is election day in my country. I wish I could vote, but I am not yet 18. There are two candidates running. I am not sure who will win, it all depends on who gets the majority votes. Everyone’s vote carries equal weight.
A: 200
Q: 300 My country is ruled by a small group of wealthy white Europeans. Whites have access to virtually all the educational and trade opportunities. We have elections but there is only one candidate. I am black, and majority of the people in my country are blacks, but we are not allowed to vote. The power in my country rests in the hands of a few powerful people. What kind of government do I live in?
A: 300
Q: 400 My name is Austin. The leader of my country is also the head of the military. I was four when he took over my country by military force. My uncle who was a writer was executed because he wrote something bad about the leader. We have TV but there are only two channels. I have heard in Europe and in the United States, you can get a lot of channels. Our leader controls all aspects of our life. We are not allowed to leave our country without permission. When I turn sixteen, I will try to escape to the United States. I am not sure if I will make it, but I will try.
A: 400
Q: 500 On December 3, 2008,our Queen, for the 56th time took part in a beautiful, colorful ceremony. This ceremony is very important, as it signals the start of each new session of our government. It is also the most important because it brings together the three elements of the legislature (the House of Commons, the House of Lords and The Queen). The ceremony therefore represents monarchy in our government.
A: 500
Q: 100 Monarchy, Prime Minister, Parliament
A: 100
Q: 200 Senate and House of Representatives
A: 200
Q: 300 Leader can be removed from office in case of wrong doing.
A: 300
Q: 400 Voters elect members to the Parliament (legislature) The Political Party with the most votes in the House of Commons chooses the government’s leader with no set length of term.
A: 400
Q: 500 Executive Legislative Citizens Elect Elect
A: 500
Q:100 The countries in BLUE have what type of government?
Q: 200. What is this famous building called?
Q: 300 This picture is a good example of what type of government?
A: 300
Q: 400 What type of government does this picture represent?
A: 400
Q: 500 This is a form of Autocracy, what is it?
A: 500
Q:100 Name one characteristic of Oligarchy.
A: 100 Answer may vary. A government in which a few people have power. The group gets their power from either military, wealth or social status. Elections may be held but offer only one candidate.
Q: 200 What are the three forms of Autocracy?
A: 200
Q: 300 What are the two types of Democracy?
A: 300. Presidential Democracy Parliamentary Democracy
Q: 400 Give an example of two countries with Parliamentary Democracy.
A: 400 Answer will vary.
Q: 500 What type of government has the most citizen participation?
Q: 100 True of False Parliamentary Democracies can have Presidents.
A: 100
Q: 200 True or False Not all Parliamentary Democracies are monarchies.
A: 200 Not all parliamentary democracies are monarchies. Example Israel
Q: 300 North Korea and Cuba are examples of Democracies.
A: 300 North Korea and Cuba are examples of dictatorship (autocracy)
Q: 400 True or False In the presidential system voters have a more direct say about those who serve in two branches of the government : Legislative Executive
A: 400 Executive Legislative Citizens Elect Elect
Q: 500 True or False Queen Elizabeth, the British Monarch, has a lot of power.
A: 500 United Kingdom is a Parliamentary Democracy and monarchs have limited power.