12.1.2012 North-South-South Higher Education Institution Network Programme Alva Bruun.


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Presentation transcript:

North-South-South Higher Education Institution Network Programme Alva Bruun

North-South-South Higher Education Institution Network Programme The North-South-South Higher Education Institution Network Programme ( ) opens up opportunities for cooperation between higher education institutions in Finland and the South. Support for mobility. Nov-15

North-South-South Higher Education Institution Network Programme The programme has a total budget of 6 million euro in 2010– % for student and teacher exchanges - 10–15 % for intensive courses - networking –activities Funding is available for networks of higher education institutions. The calls for proposals arranged primarily on an annual basis.

Components: Teacher exchanges vary from 1 week to 6 months in length. The networks should encourage longer exchanges in order to contribute most effectively to capacity building in the countries of the South. Student exchanges vary from 3 to 12 months in length. The programme does not support student mobility which aims at the completion of a degree in the host institution. Intensive courses aim to generate and disseminate new knowledge. Such courses are an opportunity to provide high-quality higher education and new tools to generating knowledge in partnerships. A key aim is also to diversify, and improve the quality of higher education. The programme promotes the networking of higher education institutions by supporting preparatory and administrative visits and the organizing of network meetings.

Numbers So far more than: 1050 students 750 teachers 60 intensive courses 100 network/administrative meetings

North-South-South application rounds On average, funding €/network Application year Applications / networks Applied € Funded/netwo rks Granted €

Sectors represented in the NSS-program Most sectors represented from social sciences, international law to medical field Most networks are in ICT, forestry, health care and engineering/technology Highly interdisciplinary networks 11/22/2015

Countries represented in NSS networks HEI institutions from 31 countries represented MaaMyön South Africa17 Tanzania15 Namibia12 Kenya11 Botswana7 Ethiopia6 Uganda5 Mozambique5 Zambia5 Viet Nam7 Maa Myön Senegal1 Sudan1 Swaziland1 Georgia1 Bosnia and Herzegovina1 Belarus1 Nigeria1 Croatia1 Thailand1 Montenegro1 Kosovo1 MaaMyön. Ghana6 Malawi3 Nepal4 Egypt1 Nigeria1 Peru1 Zimbabwe2 Madagascar1 Mali1 Rwanda1

More information From CIMO North-South-South programme