The Post Carbon Society Klausegger Nina Kulmer Ulrike Nemiri Sabrina-Sigrid
Background Emissions are results of human activities Society has to reduce consumption of fossil fuels Develope renewable energy sources and technologies
Factors of growth
Increasing world population and world energy demand
The role of the politics Managing climate change can be an efficient stimulus to growth New technologies and investments to improve the environmental system and sustainability Richer countries are mainly responsible for actual climate change
Example: The Swedish Government Since 1990: ◦ Increase of GDP 40% ◦ Decrease of Emissions 7% Every tenth car with bio fuel Most important target to reach this goal: ◦ End Swedens dependence on oil, gas and coal until 2020
Example: The Swedish Government (2) Targets: ◦ In the road transport sector 40-50% of oil use should be reduced and new fuels should be used. ◦ Homes and business buildings have to be heated without oil. ◦ Industry must reduce its oil use by 25-40%.
Effect of Technology on Mobility Average distance travelled ◦ in China: 3 km ◦ in Europe: 35 km ◦ In USA: 74 km
Increasing distance, higher speed, time budget stays the same
The European Commission report “Towards a Post Carbon Society” The reduction of energy o 20 % share of renewables by 2020 o 10 % biofuel The liberation of gas and electricity markets o crucial for competition o EU very dependent on Russia for gas The EU Emission Trading Scheme o reducing greenhouse gases at lowest costs
Critic Barely any mention of renewable energy Supports additional nuclear energy Ignores the problems of biofuel ◦ rising corn prices ◦ world hunger problem
The European Green Capital Award Starting with 2010 Given by the European Commission Requirements ◦ Having achieved high environmental standards ◦ Commitment to further improvement ◦ Acting as a role model for other European cities First winner: Stockholm
Post Carbon Cities Project of the Post Carbon Institute Basic idea: act locally Role of smaller cities ◦ use of local renewable energy ◦ creation of local jobs ◦ advantage in sustainable agriculture Calls for relocalization of cities Emphasizes the role of local governments
Post Carbon Cities What can local governments do? Transportation and Land use Private energy consumption Attack problems piece-by-piece and from many angles Plan for fundamental changes and make them happen Build a sense of community
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