Brenda Dawes, AT Program Specialist and Marketing Coordinator State of Oklahoma Current Policy Issues 508 EITA Law and Standards Oklahoma ABLE Tech Assistive Technology Act Program
2001 Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act Standards 2003 Oklahoma Task Force 2004 Legislation “EITA” 2005 Standards Two Oversight Agencies AT Act Program in Legislation Oklahoma Overview
Video and multimedia Web-based and Internet Telecommunications Desktop and Portable Computers Software Self-Contained Closed Products OK EITA (508) Standards Electronic and Information Technology: Products that store, process, transmit, convert, duplicate, or receive electronic information
Accessibility News Section 508 Refresh 2008 Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2006 U.S. July 2009 ADA ANPRM July 2010 Accessibility of web Information & services provided by entities covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Titles II and III Twenty-First Century Communications & Video Accessibility Act of 2010 Oct. 8, 2010 (internet captioning, TV video description, internet svcs on smartphones, accessible user controls, allocation of funds for equipment for deaf-blind) Civil rights complaints and settlements
ADA 4 ANPRM Titles II and III Web, Movie Captioning & Description, Access of 911, and Equipment/furniture Accessibility of web information & services provided by Title II State and Local Government and Title III Public Accommodations. WCAG 2.0 AA Standard – comprehensive for Websites Section 508 – comprehensive across other technologies Coverage limitations private vs. public (FB pages) Compliance issues – skilled developers needed; creating this market need would drive educational offerings. Effective date time frame: new and existing contents, archival content Cost, benefits, consequences
Current Standard Challenges Future Standards, organization Timelines VPATS Training Standards
Accessibility Clause Supplier VPATs Knowledge of Required Forms Accessibility in solicitations equal, weighted? Exceptions Challenges in Procurement
Oversight: Evidence of assurance Accessibility Compliance Representative Agency Responsible for Compliance Lack of top down support in most agencies
Training Consistent and Expansive Accessibility Clause Guidance and Processes Developed Complaint process Accessibility Compliance Representative Alternative means of access Check and balances: Advisory Council EITA Work Group of Oversight Agencies Web Tips Strides and Achievement
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act Section 508 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act (1998) and (2001) Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 (Revised September 2010) W3C, Web Accessibility Initiative - Web Content Accessibility Guidelines WCAG 2.0 (2008). Future of ADA Side Benefits Accessibility is Good Business. Cost Effectiveness. Proactiveness. Return on Investment Unprecedented opportunities and independence for people with disabilities and offers increased market share for business. Changing Workforce Moving from “it’s the right thing to do” to “It will work better for you” and “it’s in your own best interest”. What’s Next? Move beyond the Why to How. Civil Rights Regulate and Educate. Laws, Guidelines, & Human Rights
Brenda Dawes Oklahoma ABLE Tech OSU Seretean Wellness Center 1514 W. Hall of Fame Stillwater, OK (800) (405) Oklahoma ABLE Tech