Russia !!!! By Ashley Waterman
Map of Russia
Location of Russia
Tourist attractions
Holidays special events Pancake week New year christmas
Special greetings or customs привет that’s how to spell hello до свидания that’s good bye Доброе утро. That’s good morning
$$ The type of money they use $$ They use 100 kopeks
hotels Rate was 4 stars
Rate was 5 stars !!!!!
Rate was 3 stars
Weather The weather fluctuates so much that in a single day the temperature may vary from –20ºC to +5ºC in winter and from +15ºC to +30ºC in summer Weather in Russia in Brief.... Federation can reach extremely cold levels. Temperatures in winter fall to - 31°F to -58°F St. Petersburg weather by season with links to weather forecasts.... Winters are long as in most areas of Russia. Temperatures as low as -10 Co are normal Best time to go would be the summer
Natural featuresNatural features
Thanks for watching my side show of Russia