The History of Russia It’s Always Tougher In Russia
Early History Early Slavs built a civilizations known as Kievan, and in 1000 A.D. the ruler and the people accepted Eastern Orthodox Christianity. In the 1200’s the Mongols came in from Central Asia and took over Kievan.
200 Years Later 200 years have pasted and the Mongols have greatly reduced their wealth and power. Now Moscow, a town in the north, became the center of civilization.
The1480’s Ivan The Third, a prince of Moscovy, drove out the Mongols and made Kievan an independent country which today is Kiev the capital of Ukraine.
Napolean Bonaparte In 1812 Nopolean Bonaparte led a French army to Russia thinking he could take over it, but the Russians were ruthless and the harsh weather aided their way to victory.
World War 1 Russia was unprepared to battle in World War 1 so they suffered many loses and few victories. As it continued Russia’s food supply was depleting extremely fast. Discontent grew among the Russians.
1917 Political leaders, soldiers, and factory workers forced Czar Nicholas The Second to give up his throne. Later a political leader named Vladimir Lenin led the Russian Revolution and seized control. They set up a communist state. Threatened by outside invasions Russia moved its capital from St. Petersburg to Moscow.