GIMP IMAGE PLUGINS FOR GIMP By: Vera Kukić Supervisors: Shaun Bangay and Adele Lobb
GIMP Image Plugins for GIMP The GIMP is the acronym for GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed piece of software suitable for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring.
GIMP Image Plugins for GIMP GIMP uses external modules called plugins Plugins can: –Load and save images –Run effects filters –Interface other programs with GIMP Scanning software Ray tracer Other image manipulation packages
GIMP Image Plugins for GIMP There are many things that can be accomplished with plugins – Colouring Greyscale Images – Image Inpainting – Simulating Decorative Mosaics
GIMP Colouring Greyscale Images The inspiration for my first plugin comes from the paper “Transferring Color to Greyscale Images” General technique for colouring greyscale images –Transfer colour between the source (colour image) and the destination (greyscale image)
GIMP Colouring Greyscale Images Minimizes the human effort –Instead of choosing colours from RGB palette the entire colour mood is transferred from the source to the destination –This is done by matching the luminance and the texture information
GIMP Colouring Greyscale Images
GIMP Colouring Greyscale Images
GIMP Image Inpainting The second plugin refers to the “Image Inpainting” paper Image Inpainting is a technique used for modifying an image in an undetectable form.
GIMP Image Inpainting The application of this plugin: –Restoration of damaged paintings and photographs –Removal of super imposed texts –Removal / replacement of selected objects
GIMP Image Inpainting
GIMP Image Inpainting
GIMP Image Inpainting
GIMP Simulating Decorative Mosaics The last plugin that I will be attempting comes from the “Simulating Decorative Mosaics” paper. Tile mosaics are images made up of small polygonal coloured patches This method uses tiles to reproduce images
GIMP Simulating Decorative Mosaics The technique relies on the hardware to find analogous minimal-energy configurations to tile the mosaic.
GIMP Simulating Decorative Mosaics
GIMP Simulating Decorative Mosaics
GIMP Simulating Decorative Mosaics
GIMP Simulating Decorative Mosaics
GIMP Design and Implementation GIMP - Linux –Use C to develop the plugins GIMP is: – Open source – Well documented – A lot of reference material available – Easy to use
GIMP Design and Implementation GIMP interfaces with plugins The position of the plugin is defined within itself –Example: (char *) " /Filters/Colors/ColourTransfer"
GIMP Extensions The method of colouring greyscale images can be extended to: –Work on small images –Colour images with similar tones
GIMP Extensions Image inpainting can further be improved by: –Improving the inpainting algorithm, allowing it to reproduce large textured regions.
GIMP Extensions Simulating decorative mosaics can be extended further by: –Using higher order moments of each voronoi region –Filling in gaps between tiles by using small tile chips
GIMP Questions