A Low-Leakage 2.5GHZ Skewed CMOS 32-Bit Adder For Nanometer CMOS Technologies Advanced VLSI Course Seminar December 28, 2006 Peresented by: Rabe’e Majidi Advisor: Dr Mehdi Fakhraee Adopted: ISSCC 2005/Session20/Processor Building Blocks/20.4
2 Outline Introduction Leakage-optimized skewed-CMOS logic for circuit design-driven leakage reduction Micro-architecture and data-path design - Modified 32b parallel-prefix adder architecture - Latches and flip-flops for Skewed CMOS logic Measurement results of four adder cores using different 90nm CMOS device options, sleep transistor technique, and body biasing Conclusion Adopted : ISSCC 2005/Session20/Processor Building Blocks/20.4/slides
3 Outline Introduction Leakage-optimized skewed-CMOS logic for circuit design-driven leakage reduction Micro-architecture and data-path design - Modified 32b parallel-prefix adder architecture - Latches and flip-flops for Skewed CMOS logic Measurement results of four adder cores using different 90nm CMOS device options, sleep transistor technique, and body biasing Conclusion Adopted : ISSCC 2005/Session20/Processor Building Blocks/20.4/slides
4 Leakage power control, why? With technology scaling → leakage power of idle units becomes a large fraction of the total chip power [4]. Sub-threshold leakage power is soon expected to dominate the total power consumed by a CMOS circuit [2]. Fig.1. Power trends of high performance microprocessors [2].
5 Charge Leakage CLCL Clk Out A MpMp MeMe Leakage sources CLK V Out Precharge Evaluate Dominant component is sub-threshold current Fig.2.Charge Leakage source, [3].
6 Leakage power control methods The custom methods of Leakage power control [4]: Dual threshold voltage Dynamic sleep transistor Body biasing techniques Clock gating
7 Using Dual threshold voltage Fig.3. Standard domino logic circuits. (a) Standard low-V t domino logic circuit. (b) Standard dual-V t domino logic circuit. High-V t transistors are symbolically represented by a thick line in the channel region [2].
8 Using Dual threshold voltage In a dual- domino circuit, all of the transistors that can be activated during the evaluation phase have a low-V t. Alternatively, the precharge phase transitions are not critical for the performance of a domino logic circuit. Therefore, those transistors that are active during the precharge phase have a high-V t. If all of the high-V t transistors are cutoff in a dual- domino logic circuit, the leakage current is significantly reduced as compared to a low-V t circuit.
9 Dynamic Sleep transistors Fig.4.Sleep switch dual-Vt domino logic circuit technique. High-Vt transistors are symbolically represented by a thick line in the channel region [2].
10 Body biasing techniques Fig.5.Transition based forward body biasing with low skew forward body bias [5].
11 Clock gating Adopted : ISSCC 2003/Session6/Low power digital techniques/6.1/slides
12 Active Leakage Control Adopted : ISSCC 2003/Session6/Low power digital techniques/6.1/slides
13 Outline Introduction Leakage-optimized skewed-CMOS logic for circuit design-driven leakage reduction Micro-architecture and data-path design - Modified 32b parallel-prefix adder architecture - Latches and flip-flops for Skewed CMOS logic Measurement results of four adder cores using different 90nm CMOS device options, sleep transistor technique, and body biasing Conclusion Adopted : ISSCC 2005/Session20/Processor Building Blocks/20.4/slides
14 Adopted : ISSCC 2005/Session20/Processor Building Blocks/20.4/slides
15 Adopted : ISSCC 2005/Session20/Processor Building Blocks/20.4/slides
16 Adopted : ISSCC 2005/Session20/Processor Building Blocks/20.4/slides
17 Adopted : ISSCC 2005/Session20/Processor Building Blocks/20.4/slides
18 Outline Introduction Leakage-optimized skewed-CMOS logic for circuit design-driven leakage reduction Micro-architecture and data-path design - Modified 32b parallel-prefix adder architecture - Latches and flip-flops for Skewed CMOS logic Measurement results of four adder cores using different 90nm CMOS device options, sleep transistor technique, and body biasing Conclusion Adopted : ISSCC 2005/Session20/Processor Building Blocks/20.4/slides
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23 Outline Introduction Leakage-optimized skewed-CMOS logic for circuit design-driven leakage reduction Micro-architecture and data-path design - Modified 32b parallel-prefix adder architecture - Latches and flip-flops for Skewed CMOS logic Measurement results of four adder cores using different 90nm CMOS device options, sleep transistor technique, and body biasing Conclusion Adopted : ISSCC 2005/Session20/Processor Building Blocks/20.4/slides
24 Adopted : ISSCC 2005/Session20/Processor Building Blocks/20.4/slides
25 Adopted : ISSCC 2005/Session20/Processor Building Blocks/20.4/slides
26 Adopted : ISSCC 2005/Session20/Processor Building Blocks/20.4/slides
27 Outline Introduction Leakage-optimized skewed-CMOS logic for circuit design-driven leakage reduction Micro-architecture and data-path design - Modified 32b parallel-prefix adder architecture - Latches and flip-flops for Skewed CMOS logic Measurement results of four adder cores using different 90nm CMOS device options, sleep transistor technique, and body biasing Conclusion Adopted : ISSCC 2005/Session20/Processor Building Blocks/20.4/slides
28 Adopted : ISSCC 2005/Session20/Processor Building Blocks/20.4/slides
29 Adopted : ISSCC 2005/Session20/Processor Building Blocks/20.4/slides
30 Adopted : ISSCC 2005/Session20/Processor Building Blocks/20.4/slides
31 Outline Introduction Leakage-optimized skewed-CMOS logic for circuit design-driven leakage reduction Micro-architecture and data-path design - Modified 32b parallel-prefix adder architecture - Latches and flip-flops for Skewed CMOS logic Measurement results of four adder cores using different 90nm CMOS device options, sleep transistor technique, and body biasing Conclusion Adopted : ISSCC 2005/Session20/Processor Building Blocks/20.4/slides
32 Adopted : ISSCC 2005/Session20/Processor Building Blocks/20.4/slides
33 References [1] Klaus von Arnim, Peter Seegebrecht, Roland Thewes, Christian Pacha, Infineon Technologies, Munich, Germany,Christian Albrecht University, Kiel, Germany,” A Low- Leakage 2.5GHz Skewed CMOS 32b Adder for Nanometer CMOS Technologies”, ISSCC 2005/Session20/Processor Building Blocks/20.4,pp ,Feb.,2005 [2] Volkan Kursun, Student Member, IEEE, and Eby G. Friedman, Fellow, IEEE, “ Sleep Switch Dual Threshold Voltage Domino Logic With Reduced Standby Leakage current” IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS, VOL. 12, NO. 5, MAY 2004 [3] Jan.M.Rabaey, Anantha Chandraksan, Borivoje Nikolic, “Digital Integrated Circuits A Design Perspective”, Second Edition, 2005
34 References [4] James Tschanz, Siva Narendra, Yibin Ye, Bradley Bloechel, Shekhar Borkar, Vivek De, Intel, Hillsboro, OR, “Dynamic-Sleep Transistor and Body Bias for Active Leakage Power Control of Microprocessors”, ISSCC 2003 / SESSION 6 / LOW-POWER DIGITAL TECHNIQUES / PAPER 6.1, pp , Feb.,2003 [5] S. Jayapal and Y. Manoli, Chair of Microelectronics, Department of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK), University of Freiburg, Georges-Koehler-Allee 102, Freiburg, Germany, “Monotonic transition based forward body bias for dual threshold voltage low power embedded processors”, Adv. Radio Sci., 4, 269–273, 2006, © Author(s) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.