Intel My 1 st MECOP Internship Experience Ryan Bakker
Job Characteristics Job Description Web Developer – responsible for the creation, management, and testing of new/existing features and data pertaining to the ARK product database Hours 40 hours/week 8am – 5pm Wages $ /hour Overtime? Permitted, but I didn’t take advantage of the offer Organizational Structure Paul Otellini Tom Kilroy Doug Davis Steve Sciarappo Robert Hunter Ryan BakkerEric Appel
Intel as an Employer Plenty of lateral movement available (Rotation Engineers Program) Dedicated RCG (Recent College Grad) hires Benefits Gifts (part of the Intern Program) Friendly Atmosphere Employee Care Too many acronyms!!!
Projects MySMG Web Part Multi-Core Migration Guide Excel Uploader Sales Lead s Brand Badge Technology Info Popup Continuous Integration Dev Environment
Multi-Core Migration Guide An online guide to be used by companies that wish to migrate their product from a system using a single core processor to one with multiple cores; contains methods for optimization of software and points to consider when making the decision to migrate. Also featured are a set of IA (Intel Architecture) systems that meet the requirements specified by the user. The purpose of the guide is to provide all the information the user’s company would need to migrate their product and improve their time-to- market using IA technology. ROI – Me (High) ROI – Intel (High)
MySMG Web Part A module that allows access to the auto-complete search available on MARK (the internal version of ARK) as well as other helpful pages on the website. ROI – Me (Medium) ROI – Intel (High) Excel Uploader Uploads one or more excel files to the server and checks that they are in a specified format. ROI – Me (Medium) ROI – Intel (Medium) Sales Lead s Sends s to contacts within Intel telling them what pages users have been visiting in CARE (the protected version of ARK). ROI – Me (Medium) ROI – Intel (Medium)
Brand Badge Added the brand badge image to the cpu pages in the form of a portable user control. ROI – Me (Medium) ROI – Intel (High) Technology Info Popup Added a popup box that displays information about an Intel Technology when the user hovers over the technology name. ROI – Me (Medium) ROI – Intel (Medium) Continuous Integration Dev Environment Added functionality to automatically upload source code from source control to the development environment whenever a developer checks in code to the source control. ROI – ME (High) ROI – Intel (Low)
What I’ve Learned… Skills ASP.NET (including AJAX) C# Courses that Helped CS 195/295 All my coding courses All in all, one heck of a time!