2 Department of Education Public Charter School Program PURPOSE: To expand the number of high- quality charter schools by providing financial assistance for their planning, design and initial implementation for up to 36 months To evaluate the effects of charter schools on staff, parents and most importantly, student achievement.
3 Eligibility for PCSP Funding MUST have opened a charter within last 18 months OR received approval from a Louisiana Charter authorizer to open a school MUST be either an LEA or a non-profit group holding a charter and incorporated in Louisiana MUST not charge tuition MUST operate in accordance with State law and meet all applicable Federal, State and local health and safety requirements MUST have a written performance contract with the authorized public chartering agency
4 Eligibility and Admissions MUST have a fair and open admissions policy, conducting outreach and recruitment to all segments of the community MUST not discriminate against students based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex or disability MUST admit all eligible pupils until maximum enrollment has been met MUST utilize a lottery process if the number of applicants exceeds the maximum enrollment, with remaining students being placed on a waiting list
5 Types of PCSP Subgrants Planning and Program Design Post- Charter Subgrant Awards under this subgrant are available for no more than 18 months which begins upon receipt of a substantially approvable post charter application OR 3 months prior if there are eligible pre-award costs
6 Types of PCSP Subgrants Initial Implementation and Implementation Renewal Charter School Subgrants Of the 36 month period, a maximum of 24 months may be spent in the 2-part implementation phase of the subgrant The planning phase ends and the implementation phase begins upon LDE’s receipt of the Initial Implementation subgrant. *The implementation phase may be retroactive for three months prior if there are pre-award costs The 3 rd subgrant or the Renewal grant will be available for the remainder of the original 36 month period as long as the full implementation period doesn’t exceed two years.
7 How the 36-Month Timeline Works Example A LDE receives a Charter School’s Planning and Program Design Post Charter application on March 1, 2007 with Pre- Award costs included The 36 month grant cycle will be retroactive 3 months to December 1, 2006 LDE receives the Initial Implementation application on February 1, 2008, or 14 months into the cycle The Charter School now has 22 months remaining in the 36 month grant cycle for the Implementation period The Charter School can apply for the Renewal phase at any time keeping in mind that the grant must be expended by December 1, 2009 or 36 months after the cycle began
8 How the 36-Month Timeline Works Example B LDE receives a Charter School’s Planning and Program Design Post Charter application on March 1, 2007 with NO Pre-Award costs The 36 month grant cycle begins on March 1, LDE receives the Initial Implementation application on January 1, 2008, or 10 months into the cycle The Charter School has 26 months left in the 36 month cycle BUT implementation may only last up to 24 months so the Charter must utilize all funds within 34 months or by January 1, 2010
9 Public Charter School Program Use of Funds PLANNING AND PROGRAM DESIGN POST CHARTER SUBGRANT EXAMPLES : Refinement of the desired educational results and methods for measuring progress Costs such as consultant pay and contracted services for curriculum and policy development and the determination of appropriate assessment tools aligned to your curriculum Professional development of teachers and other staff Funding teacher training and in-services, travel reimbursement
10 Public Charter School Program Use of Funds INITIAL IMPLEMENTATION AND RENEWAL IMPLEMENTATION SUBGRANT EXAMPLES: Informing the community about the school Costs for advertising Acquiring necessary equipment and educational materials and supplies Purchase of classroom furniture, whiteboards, computers, etc. Acquiring or developing curriculum materials Purchase of classroom supplies needed to implement the curriculum Other initial operational costs that cannot be met from State or local sources MINOR renovations that could not be accomplished without federal funding
11 Allocation Methodology All eligible charter schools may receive an allocation of $200,000 for each of the three subgrants available Schools are limited to a maximum of $600,000 Funds awarded for hurricane recovery were exempt from these limitations, but those regulations expired in March of 2006
12 Applications for PCSP Applications and budget forms will also be available on LDE’s website Applications have been revised so even if you have completed your Post Charter and Year 1 Implementation based on the previous applications, you must complete the “Initial Implementation” application instead of the Renewal during this transitional year Applications are due March 15, 2007 by 4:30 pm You must submit an original application with 3 copies
Applications for PCSP - Budget Object Code Expenditure CategoryPre-Award Expenditures Projected Expenditures Total 100Salaries$0 200Employee Benefits$0 300Purchased Professional/Tech Svcs. $0 400Purchased Property Services $0 500Other Purchased Services $0 600Supplies$0 700Property$0 GRAND TOTAL $0
14 Applications for PCSP - Checklist CHECKLIST FOR COMPLETION OF PCSP INITIAL IMPLEMENTATION CHARTER SCHOOL SUBGRANT APPLICATION Instructions: Use this checklist as a guide to ensure all forms and documents are included prior to submission. Completed and signed Application Cover Page including programmatic assurances Signed Fiscal Assurances Project Plan Description: Executive Summary Charter School Program Description Charter School Needs Plan for Use of Funds Chart Budget Forms Required Documents Official letter of charter award and issuance Copy of charter agreement Evidence of non-profit status and registration with Secretary of State – needed by Types 1, 2, 3, and 5 Charter School applicants List of Teachers/Staff Positions A copy of the Student Recruitment and Enrollment Policy Proof of IRS 501c (3) status – needed by non-LEA applicants Use the checklist supplied on the last page of your application to ensure that your application is complete and that all required documents are attached Applications will not be considered complete unless every item on the checklist is included The application will only be date stamped and reviewed once all required documents have been received by LDE
15 To visit our website Go to- Tab to the bottom of page Click on Management/Finance tab Click on Education Finance click on Grants This page contains information on Grants Management: Application and Budget Forms Quick Reference Guide LAUGH
16 Questions? Public Charter School Program Budget Questions: Budget Manager: (225) Budget Analyst: (225)