Staff: Mr. Wilson, Head of Year 3 PPA Miss Murray3M Mrs. Beeby and Mrs. O’Brien3OB Mrs. Preddy and Mrs. Somerville3SP Mrs. Gessey, Year 3 Teaching Assistant,


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Presentation transcript:

Staff: Mr. Wilson, Head of Year 3 PPA Miss Murray3M Mrs. Beeby and Mrs. O’Brien3OB Mrs. Preddy and Mrs. Somerville3SP Mrs. Gessey, Year 3 Teaching Assistant, PPA Mrs. Kings, Year 3 Teaching Assistant Mrs. Allen Year 3 Teaching Assistant Mrs. Bright Year 3 Learning Support Assistant Mrs. Brown, PPA/ Mrs Quadri,PPA

Timetables/Daily Routines: Children enter through the red doors and exit via the door near the ramp in the playground Parents to take children to the office if they are late. End of day – 10 minutes outside with teacher, then collect from office After school clubs – collect from office Lunchtime clubs – Children will hear about these.

Break times: Morning playtime is at Children can go to the studio to buy drinks and healthy snacks or toast. 20p per slice of toast. Children should not take food from lunchboxes at playtimes. Equipment is provided in all playgrounds for children to play with and the climbing frame and tyre park (KS2) are on a rota basis. There is NO FOOTBALL allowed.

Uniform: Grey or black skirt/trousers White shirts/polo tops – school logo Burgundy sweatshirts/jumpers – school logo Black sensible shoes Suitable winter coat – school fleece ALL NAMED PLEASE!

P.E. Navy shorts or track suit bottoms White t-shirt (with House colour edging) Lightweight pumps must be worn for apparatus work Trainers can be worn for outdoor games No jewellery or watches Long hair tied back 3SP3OB3M Tuesday & Thursday Tuesday & Wednesday Monday & Tuesday

Swimming: Year 3 Friday, starting January One piece costume for girls Proper trunks (not baggy!) for boys Swimming caps for all children (long hair tied up) Towel Bag Goggles allowed!

Swimming Each class will have 16 weeks of swimming lessons. Each lesson is 45 minutes long. Jen Yates and 2 Swimming Instructors teach 3 ability groups.

The New Curriculum Core Subjects Year 3 Curriculum Overview for Autumn 1Autumn 2Spring 1Spring 2Summer 1Summer 2Visits English Stories with familiar settings Instructions Shape poems and calligrams Play scripts Play scripts continued Myths Dialogue Reports Letters Authors Poems to perform Adventures Mysteries Information texts Language play Library Dewey System Maths Abacus Scheme SciencePlants.Healthy Eating Magnets & Forces /Rocks Magnets & Forces /Rocks Skeletons & Muscles Light & Shadows

Autumn 1Autumn 2Spring 1Spring 2Summer 1Summer 2Visits Focus Stone Age, Bronze Age Iron age SettlementsAncient Egypt Development of Transport Local History Study Avoncroft History Skills Timelines Development of tools Timelines Comparisons of modern and ancient life Cause and consequence in bicycle design Moorpool Social history Coventry Transport Museum Library (local history) Geography Skills Farming methods World comparisons Compare and contrast World map work The River Nile, uses and features Street furniture Local map work Route planning House types Architecture Moorpool Estate Art and design Cave painting Colour mixing and dyes David Cox Landscape artist Clay modelling Profile portraits Collage Poster art form and layout L.S. Lowry

Art and design Cave painting colour mixing and dyes David Cox Landscape artists Clay modelling profile portraits collage Poster art form and layout L.S. Lowry Design and technology Food technology linked to Divali Textiles Pneumatics Computing Word processing E-safety Programming: Probots Using devices Languages See French scheme Monet R.E BA Syllabus Divali Music See new Scheme Carnival of the Animals CBSO Symphony Hall

Groups Sets for Maths, and Spellings. Mixed ability groupings for Topic and other work where appropriate. Ability groupings for Writing and Reading.

Reading All children bring book bags in every day Two books: Reading Book (structured until a fluent reader) and Choice book All children have a Reading Diary in which to record reading Please do not put water bottles in book bags! Reading Pamphlets given to parents in Reception and Year 3 with more guidance for supporting reading.

Learning Beyond the Classroom: How can I help my child? Encouraging use of language and listening to language e.g. story tapes, adult reading aloud, reading a range of texts. Using mathematical skills in real life situations e.g. using money, telling the time, baking, reading timetables, board games and using MyMaths.

Encouraging Independence Children to bring everything with them at start of day Musical instruments Dinner money Water bottle Lunch box Reading book and diary Homework Forgotten items in box in entrance, labelled Return Home-School Agreement signed

Homework Maths – Is set on a Wednesday, Handed in to Set Teacher Spellings – Differentiated lists to be tested on the following Friday Reading – Books sent home. Please encourage children to read daily. Topic – Occasional tasks given.

Reading All children bring book bags in every day Two books: Reading Book and Choice book All children have a Reading Diary in which to record reading Please do not put water bottles in book bags! Reading Pamphlets given to parents in Reception and Year 3 with more guidance for supporting reading

Helping in School We welcome parent helpers in year 3. Many parents come to help in school with Reading Literacy Volunteers Sewing Enrichment activities. If helpers are coming in regularly we will need to make arrangements for them to be DBS checked through the school, even if already DBS checked somewhere else. All helpers or visitors should come through main School office and be signed in officially.

Key dates for this term Harvest Festival Friday, 3 rd October Avoncroft MuseumTuesday 14 th October Divali Assemblies Tues 21 st and Thurs 23 rd Oct Teacher Training DayFriday, 24 th October Half term week beginning Monday, 27 th October School photographer 8 th November Book Fair week beginning Monday, 10 th November Autumn Parents’ evenings 11 th and 13 th November Personal Safety Week Monday, 17 th November Non-uniform day5 th December (fayre items) Christmas FayreSaturday, 6 th December Theatre TripMonday 15 th December Break up for Christmas Friday, 19 th December

Y3 Trips Trips planned around Topic work. Tuesday 14 th October – trip to Avoncroft museum Old Rep Theatre visit – 15 th December : ‘Horrible Christmas’ Back to Backs – 2 nd, 4 th and 9 th June

Later in the year… SPRING Monday 5 th January school reopens Mid term report in March with targets Parents’ Evenings 3 rd and 5 th March Book fair week Monday, 2 nd March Friday, 21 st March Comic Relief Thursday, 26 th March Great Eggshibition Friday, 27 th March break up for Easter SUMMER Monday, 13 th April return to school Monday 4 th May Bank Holiday Thursday, 7 th May School closed – elections 26 th May half term week Health Week 1 st June End of year report 10 th July Optional Parents’ Evening 15 th July Children break up Friday 17 th July

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