Lweza Primary School by Mukasa Nsimbe Ronald Mr. Mukasa Nsimbe Ronald is Tourism professional (Bachelor Degree) with a bias in the travel and tourism field since Recently he has been involved in a number of research works and social works, working as a free lance Researcher based at School of Public Health Muk. He has also undergone Various short courses in various areas of public Health. In the period 2001 to date various quantitative and qualitative studies have been accomplished in scientific research most especially in areas related to HIV/AIDS and Public Health; working with ease in the areas of data collection, Data analysis, Data entry, and report writing. Works along with SPH staff In developing, coordinating and evaluating community based learning programs in areas of Health, Nutrition and community development
Proposed Projects Completion of construction of 2 classrooms. Pipe to connect the school to the town and water supply Water Tank Construction of school kitchen Development of a sustainable school garden and piggery. Education on nutrition, water and sanitation.
School community response to VHP Help Teachers and other community members, all argued that they are eager to see these projects kick off and willing to see that the projects are accomplished. Projects will be of great benefit to community. Pledged to make good use of the support (help) from VHP. The following were noted:-
Completion of construction of 2 classrooms. Help to de-congest the classrooms The teachers’ property and pupils’ in form of books and other scholastic materials will be kept safe. Sending more children to the school.
Pipe to connect the school to the town and water supply. Providing of drinking water. The water will also be used during the time of preparing meals at school for the pupils and teachers. improve the hygiene and sanitation around the school. community members who stay close to school campus will be allowed to access this piped water at subsidized fee or for free.
Water Tank Harvesting rain water. School needs to store water in a safe and clean place.
Construction of school kitchen The existing Kitchen is a poor condition It is even located near the teacher’s Bathrooms Children face high risk of food poisoning
Development of a sustainable school garden and piggery. Get more food and improving on their food security. Improve on the diet for both teachers and pupils.(Nutrition comp.) Purposes of learning to both the Pupils and the community. Income generating project. (Alleviating poverty)
Education on nutrition, water and sanitation. Gaining new skills in nutrition. Improvement on the sanitation and General Hygiene. Employment opportunities created.
Willingness of the school in collaborating on these programs. Providing physical labour during construction when there is need. Teachers and pupils have to maintain the general cleanliness of the place and security. School is ready to pay the water bills. Two staff teachers have been appointed as overseers. mobilize community and pupils to attend the education sessions
Challenges that may be faced during the execution of these programs Changes in prices. Security at School Premises. The weather especially during rainy season.
Evaluating the success/failure Report writing. Ron has been appointed as a representative of VHP at Lweza P/S. The school will be open to any visitor From UW and VHP who can come in and evaluate the work. Ron will always deliver accountability of the money spent and this will help the funders to keep track on how their funds are being used. The school has elected two members to act as the representative of Lweza P/S. These are:- Head teacher Loy, will be the representative. Mrs. Atim Mildred (Assistant Representative) a teacher at the school. Involvement School Management committee.