Supporting Individuals and Communities in Recovery Through the National Disaster Recovery Framework Deborah Ingram Assistant Administrator Recovery Directorate Federal Emergency Management Agency
Recovery Phases FEMA NDRF BREAKOUT_v3_11-29_915a
The NDRF is NOT a Plan The Framework is a Scalable, Flexible Guide to Effective Recovery Defines roles and responsibilities Promotes the establishment of post-disaster organizations to manage recovery Promotes a deliberate and transparent process that provides well-coordinated support to the Community Offers strong, focused recovery leadership at the State and Tribal level, supported by strong Federal recovery leadership
Key Concept #1: Leadership Local Disaster Recovery Managers Tribal/State Disaster Recovery Coordinator Federal Disaster Recovery Coordinator
Post-Disaster Recovery Planning Key Concept #2: Pre- & Post-Disaster Recovery Planning Stakeholders: Private Sector Nonprofit Local Government Individuals and Families State Tribal Federal
Key Concept #3: Recovery Support Functions (RSFs) Community Planning and Capacity Building (DHS/FEMA) Economic (Commerce) Health and Social Services (HHS) Housing (HUD) Infrastructure Systems (USACE) Natural and Cultural Resources (DOI)
RSF Engagement in the Field
Mitigation and the NDRF
Floodplain Management Partners and the NDRF
The Process Continues… The citizens of these towns took the devastation and loss of their communities as an opportunity to “re-think”, “re-design”, & “re-plan” their towns, re-building greener, more resilient, with a greater concentration on the “Whole Community”! Association of State Floodplain Managers Conference San Antonio, Texas May 24, 2012 FEMA NDRF BREAKOUT_v3_11-29_915a