Ophthalmic Payments National User Group Meeting 27 th January 2011
Electronic Links Opticabase –accredited for GOS 1 during September 2010 –accredited for GOS 3, GOS 4, GOS 5 & GOS 6 during November 2010
Electronic Links Opticabase pilot at LASCA –200 GOS 1 submitted now on automatic processing –102 GOS 3 submitted (manual) –13 GOS 4 submitted (manual) –3 GOS 5 submitted (manual) –2 GOS 6 submitted (manual) –2 nd practice to start at LASCA during February 2011
Electronic Links Activity Details – 259 active stores 203 Specsavers stores 43 practices using the Optix system 11 Vision Express stores use Ocuco 2 Independent (Ocuco & Opticabase) –6 outstanding activation requests –141 stores using automatic process –94 PCT/LHBs over 43 agencies
Electronic Links GOS1 Claim Volumes –Period May 2007 – Jan ,627,633 manual approvals 1,842,597 automatic approvals 3,470,230 total claims
Web-based transmissions of GOS forms Ophthalmic User Group (OPUG) to investigate the potential take- up by contractors and agencies, before any commitment to develop Open Exeter as an alternative to the existing electronic claims system
Completed Change Requests 3932 ASP, Monthly Expenditure Report levy switch 23 rd July (OPUG High 2) 3340 & 3341 Suffolk, System check if more than 2 high rates are entered 30 th July 4001 WYCSA, User defined upper limit on adjustment values 3 rd August 3971 BSC Mid & West Wales, add KOD on Enhanced Services input screen 12 th August
Completed Change Requests 3883 North Yorkshire, contractor selection list box preserves last position on the NHS batch input screen 17 th August 3973 BSC Mid & West Wales, A general note field included on the patient record within the Pre-Notification module 18 th August 3975 Kent, The Enhanced Services Payment Analysis report now includes Hospital Referral information 24 th August
Completed Change Requests 4047 LASCA, Include address on Opticians Details Report 6 th September 4069 Sheffield, The General Purpose Audit report now includes the beneficiary details 28 th September 4083 East Sussex, Inconsistent/Duplicate report now includes the option to select GOS 1 or GOS 6 or both 1 st October
Completed Change Requests 4033 LASCA, Performer details now include optician's GOC registration date. This information and the optician's date of birth are now included on the Performer List report 1 st October 3927 LASCA, All the individual GOS input screens and the Enhanced Services input screen display an amendment history. Claim notes facility is now included on the Enhanced Services input screen 26 th October
Completed Change Requests 4114 LASCA, Opticians List report includes the contractor's fax number 27 th October 3939 Herts, Batch method to update contractor code on selected incorrectly entered individual GOS claims 4 th November (OPUG High 3) 4113 Worcester, The Post Payment Checks patient exemption letters now have the facility to allow some user defined text to be included on the letter 19 th November
Completed Change Requests 4144 LASCA, The electronic transfer to Exeter BACS payments report can be re-printed prior to the monthly clear down 23 rd November 4156 BSC Mid & West Wales, Transfer the substitute date from the Pre-Notification Details screen onto the GOS 6 claim screen 1 st December
Completed Change Requests 4140 Kent, The claims list screens can display different columns 3 rd December 4163 LASCA, Processing flags now prevent the GOS claims from being entered 14 th December 4155 BSC Mid & West Wales, Updates permitted on patient records listed as possible dups within the Pre-Notification module 17 th December
Completed Change Requests 4061 SheffieldWithdrawn, already existing function 4068 KentWithdrawn, as support log raised 4177 KentWithdrawn, already existing function 4235 LACSARejected, as outside our remit
Open Change Requests 3532 Bromley Include patient search when processing electronic claims (currently in peer test) 3815 WYCSA Batched GOS3/GOS4 claims (currently in pilot at WYCSA) 4048 South Staffordshire Include Levy payment within Exeter BACS facility 4194 LACSAContractor type:- update the OO entry to GOS or if this is not possible, amend the entry to GOS/OO (see screen picture)
CR Contractor type
Open Change Requests 4215 BSC Wales Pagination on Daily Input Lists reports (currently in peer test) 4237 BSC Wales WECI information required on WECE & PEARS additional service claims to include exemption reason & outcome 4257 LASCAInclude the batch input enhanced services values onto the patient enhanced services statement & analysis report
Open Change Requests 4258 LASCAReference table to define enhanced services local codes 4259 LASCAReport to show paid batched sight test & domiciliary, enhanced services and GOS3/GOS4 claims (currently in development) 4260 LASCABatched enhanced services screen not to include closed fee rates 4270 AngliaAccess grid, as available within the Exeter system
Health Bill issues for Ophthalmics Information on the closure of SHAs and PCTs, and establishment of NHS Commissioning Board and GP Consortia The NHS Commissioning Board is responsible for the provision of GOS throughout England
Health Bill issues for Ophthalmics No information yet on new GOS Regulations and their impact on Ophthalmic Payments service within England Business as usual
Electronic Statements Setup Sending electronic statements NHS Ophthalmic Decrypt Utility Available downloads
Electronic Statements Setup –Sending address Set address for your Payment Authority –Practice address & password Practitioner electronic claims settings Sending payment statements –All statement reports ( option)
Electronic Statements Sending address
Electronic Statements Practice & password
Electronic Statements Sending s
Electronic Statements NHS Ophthalmic Decrypt Utility –All electronic statements are encrypted –A practice can use our decrypt utility for free but –Agrees to terms & conditions of use
Electronic Statements Available downloads –User guide –FAQs –NHS Ophthalmic Payments Decrypt Utility Overview & file –NHS Ophthalmic Payments Decrypt Utility terms & conditions of use