What is a Fairytale?
What’s the difference? Folktale: any belief or story passed on traditionally, esp. one considered to be false or based on superstition. Tall tale: An exaggerated, unreliable story (ex..Paul Bunyon) Myth:a traditional or legendary story, usually concerning some being or hero or event, with or without a determinable basis of fact or a natural explanation, esp. one that is concerned with deities or demigods and explains some practice, rite, or phenomenon of nature (ex.. Pandora’s Box)
What’s The Difference? Fairy tale:a: a story (as for children) involving fantastic forces and beings (as fairies, wizards, and goblins) —called also fairy story b: a story in which improbable events lead to a happy ending (ex..Cinderella) Fantasy: could be described as something that contains rudiments that are not realistic, such as magical powers, talking animals, etc. Fantasy is often characterized by a departure from the accepted rules by which individuals perceive the world around them; it represents that which is impossible (unexplained) and outside the parameters of our known, reality. Make-believe is what this genre is all about. (Ex.. Harry Potter
Let’s Look At Some Common Elements Of Fairytales…
Common Fairytale Elements One character is jealous of another character because she/he is good or beautiful. A character may be put to a test. Magical creatures or beings may give help to characters. Honesty and cleverness is rewarded and foolishness and evil is punished.
More Elements Characters may be transformed into something better. Character may marry royalty. They live “Happily Ever After”
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