1 June 11, 2013 Board Meeting Child Care Development Fund Massachusetts State Plan Federal Fiscal Years 2014 and 2015
2 CCDF State Plan Requirement & Purpose In order to receive CCDF funds, Federal law requires all States to submit a State Plan every two years. The Plan includes certain assurances and certifications required by statute and provides information about the management of CCDF services, including: income eligibility guidelines, provider payment rates, parental rights and responsibilities, program integrity and accountability, and Lead Agency’s annual goals for administration of the subsidy program and quality improvement activities The Plan is an opportunity for States to demonstrate the activities and services they are providing to meet the needs of low-income children & families.
Estimated CCDF Funding & Limitations EEC estimates that over $450 million in federal and state funds will be available for child care services in FY14. CCDF law places certain limitations and requirements on the administration of funds: At least 4% must be spent on activities to improve the quality No more than 5% may be spent on administrative expenses Not less than 70% shall be used for families: (1) on TANF; (2) transitioning off TANF; or (3) at risk of receiving TANF Additionally, there are certain minimum requirements for direct child care expenditures: be under 13 years of age, or under the age of 19 if special needs; Household income must not exceed 85% of the SMI; and must either reside with parent(s) who are working, attending a job training, involved in educational program, or are at risk of receiving protective services. 3
CCDF General Purpose Purpose of CCDF is to increase the availability, affordability and quality of child care by: Providing low-income families with the financial resources to find and afford quality child care Enhancing quality and increasing the supply of child care Providing parents with a broad range of options Strengthening the role of family Improving the quality and coordination of child care Increasing the availability of early childhood development programs and before/after school services The contents of the CCDF address three areas: Administration Subsidy Program Administration Health and Safety and Quality Improvement Activities 4
Public Hearings & Board Committee Feedback Three Public Hearings on the Plan were held as follows: Lawrence, MA – May 21, 2013 Quincy, MA – May 22, 2013 Worcester, MA – May 23, 2013 In addition, written comments in any format (e.g., electronic or hard copy) were encouraged and were due by May 31, The proposed Plan was also reviewed and discussed by the Planning and Evaluation Committee of the Board on May 23,
Public Comments: Common Themes Increase Access for General Low-Income, Working Families Increase Funding to Better Support and Integrate School-Age and Out of School Time Services Increase Rates QRIS-- general questions regarding current initiatives, future funding availability General Budget questions regarding FY11 and FY12 Professional Development – (e.g. opportunities for future funding) 6
Next Steps and Submission Timeline ActionDue DateStatus Board reviews initial draft of Massachusetts State Plan and votes to put out for public comment May 14, 2013 Planning and Evaluation Committee reviews and comments on initial draft May 23, 2013 Public Hearings: Lawrence, MA Quincy, MA Worcester, MA Hearing Dates: May 21 st May 22 nd May 23 rd Review and summarize public comments and revise plan; provide final draft to Board for review First Week of June Board votes to approve plan and authorize submission to ACF June 11, 2013 CCDF State Plan submission to ACF – Office of Child Care July 1,