Local Language Banks 27 March 2012
Context Many advice and information sector organisations are finding that one of the effects of cuts to funding is that they are struggling to fund the cost of interpreting services – even where such services are essential in meeting the needs of individual clients. Hampshire Advice Plus have been able to fund the cost of commissioning interpreters from professional agencies for Hampshire CABx for the last two years. However the funding available for this service ends in May We are therefore seeking to establish a more sustainable method of delivering this service.
Research to date HAP invited all Hampshire CABx and all members of the Hampshire Advice Network to complete a survey to identify client needs and potential resources to meet those needs. The survey results indicate that most organisations responding would support the establishment of Local Language Banks in their area. This pilot will explore whether it might be possible to establish a pool of “volunteer interpreters” who would be willing to provide an interpreting service to local charities and community groups providing advice. If there is sufficient interest in this scheme it will provide an opportunity for advice agencies to access an interpreter service for their clients at no cost to the client – and for councils and other locally based companies to be seen to be supporting their local community and to offer development opportunities to their staff.
Good practice Much of the good practice guidance in this area advises that only professionally qualified interpreters should be used for the purposes of interpreting in an advice setting. However, feedback to date has indicated that many agencies are not able to fund professional interpreters (at approximately £80 per session) in the current financial climate. Current guidance from Citizens Advice indicates that good practice in this situation would be to ensure that job descriptions of any staff who may be asked to perform this role should specifically include interpretation and translation responsibilities and that bureaux interpreters should have their skills and training independently verified
How need is currently met
Languages spoken
Who would the volunteer advisers be? Staff and volunteers currently working for an organisation delivering advice, information or support to members of the local community. Interest to date from 8 organisations – with a joint pool of prospective volunteers speaking 15 different languages.
Timescale April 2012 – meet with interested organisations to discuss practicalities of scheme and implications and opportunities for organisations. Early May 2012 – Meet with interested individuals to discuss scheme, to identify training and support needs and to establish programme to meet needs. May Implementation of training and support programme for individual participants June Launch and promote Local Language Banks in identified areas. June 2012 to April 2013 – Co-ordinate and promote scheme amongst advice and Information sector. May 2013 – Carry out evaluation of the effectiveness of this pilot in improving access to advice for vulnerable and hard to reach clients. June 2013 – If successful, explore arrangements for sustainability of the scheme.
A view from the statutory sector…. Islam Jalaita Community Development Officer (Diversity) Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council