The Function
Functions are prewritten formulas. Functions differ from regular formulas in that you supply the value but not the operators, such as +, -, *, or /. For example, you can use the SUM function to add. When using a function, remember the following: Use an equal sign to begin a formula. Specify the function name. Enclose arguments within parentheses. Arguments are values on which you want to perform the calculation. For example, arguments specify the numbers or cells you want to add. Use a comma to separate arguments. Here is an example of a function: =SUM(2,13,A1,B2:C7)
The equal sign begins the function. SUM is the name of the function. 2, 13, A1, and B2:C7 are the arguments. Parentheses enclose the arguments. Commas separate the arguments.
Mathematical Functions SUMSUM - Adds up all the values in a range SUMIFSUMIF - Adds all the values in a range that meet specific criteria SUMIFSSUMIFS (2007 and 2010 only) - Adds values in a range based on multiple criteria SUMPRODUCTSUMPRODUCT - Sum a range of cells that meet multiple criteria ROUNDROUND - Round a number to a specified number of digits ROUNDUPROUNDUP - Round a number up to a specified number of digits ROUNDDOWNROUNDDOWN - Round a number down to a specified number of digits CEILINGCEILING - Round a number up to a multiple of significance FLOORFLOOR - Round a number down to a multiple of significance List of Functions and description
Statistical Functions COUNTCOUNT - Counts all the values in a range AVERAGEAVERAGE - Calculates the average number from a range of values MAXMAX - Finds the maximum value in a range MINMIN - Finds the minimum value in a range COUNTACOUNTA - Counts all non-empty cells in a range COUNTBLANKCOUNTBLANK - Counts all blank cells in a range COUNTIFCOUNTIF - Counts all the cells in a range that meet specific critera COUNTIFSCOUNTIFS (2007 and 2010 only) - Counts all the cells in a range that meet multiple criteria AVERAGEIFAVERAGEIF (2007 and 2010 only) - Calculates the average of a range of values that meet specific criteria AVERAGEIFSAVERAGEIFS (2007 and 2010 only) - Calculates the average of a range of values that meet multiple criteria LARGELARGE - Return a value dependent upon its ranking in a range of values in descending order SMALLSMALL - Return a value dependent upon its ranking in a range of values in ascending order RANKRANK - Returns the rank or position of a number within a range of numbers
Text Functions LENLEN - Returns the length, in number of characters, of the contents of a cell REPTREPT - Repeats a character a specified number of times TRIMTRIM - Remove unwanted spaces from cells LEFTLEFT - Extracts a specific number of characters from the start of a cell RIGHTRIGHT - Extracts a specific number of characters from the end of a cell MIDMID - Extracts a specific number of characters from the middle of a cell UPPERUPPER - Converts the contents of a cell to uppercase LOWERLOWER - Converts the contents of a cell to lowercase PROPERPROPER - Converts the contents of a cell to proper case REPLACEREPLACE - Replace existing characters in a cell with a different set of characters SUBSTITUTESUBSTITUTE - Replace existing characters with a different set of characters
Financial Functions PMTPMT - Calculates loan repayments based on constant payments and a constant interest rate RATERATE - Returns the interest rate per period of a loan or investment PVPV - Returns the present value of an investment based on a constant interest rate and payments FVFV - Returns the future value of an investment based on constant payments and a constant interest rate IPMTIPMT - Calculates the interest paid during a period of a loan or investment PPMTPPMT - Calculates the principal payment made in a period of an investment IRRIRR - Returns the internal rate of return on a series of regular investments XIRRXIRR - Returns the internal rate of return on a series of irregular payments on an investment NPVNPV - Returns the net present value of an investment based on a series of cash flows and a discount rate XNPVXNPV - Returns the net present value of an investment based on a series of cash flows, the dates of the cash flows and a discount rate
Logical Functions IFIF - Tests a condition and takes an alternative action depending on the result ANDAND - Test up to 30 conditions using logical And OROR - Test up to 30 conditions using logical Or IFERRORIFERROR - Performs a specified action if a formula evaluates to an error, and displays the formula result if not Date & Time Functions TODAYTODAY - Returns the current date NOWNOW - Returns the current date and time DATEDATE - Returns the sequential serial number for the specified date and formats the result as a date DAYDAY - Returns the day corresponding to a date represented by a number between 1 and 31
MONTHMONTH - Returns the month corresponding to a date represented by a number between 1 and 12 YEARYEAR - Returns the year corresponding to a date represented by a number in the range 1900 to 9999 WORKDAYWORKDAY - Returns the date a specified number of workings days before or after a date WEEKDAYWEEKDAY - Returns the day of the week corresponding to a specified date NETWORKDAYSNETWORKDAYS - Returns the number of workdays between two dates EOMONTHEOMONTH - Calculates the last day of the month a specified number of months before or after a date Download the Excel Formulas Ebook for a fast and simple guide to the most useful Excel formulas.Excel Formulas Ebook
The IF Function in Excel 2007 The IF function can be quite useful in a spreadsheet. It is used when you want to test for more than one value Syntax: IF(logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false,) Example: =IF(A1 > 5, "Greater than Five", "Less than Five")
Example: =IF(A1 > 5, "Greater than Five", "Less than Five")
List of Conditional Operator = Greater than Or Equal To <= Less than Or Equal To <> Not Equal To Another Example: =IF(A1 >= 5, "Greater than or Equal to Five", "Less than Five")
=IF(B2>=80, "A", IF(B2>=60, "B", IF(B2>=45, "C", IF(B2 >=30, "D", "Fail" ) ) ) ) Complex If Functions
The CHOOSE Function in Excel 2007 The Choose function returns a value from a list of values based on a given position. The syntax for the Choose function is: Choose( position, value1, value2,... value29 ) A example of using Choose would be =Choose(1,"Cars","Boats","Planes") - would return Cars =Choose(2,"Cars","Boats","Planes") - would return Boats =Choose(3,"Cars","Boats","Planes") - would return Planes
The syntax for the CONCATENATE function is:syntax = CONCATENATE ( text1, text2,... text255 )