Continuing Competence Program February 9, 10, 11, 2010 Workshops Sherry Norton, RPF Altus Group Ltd. (780)
2 Outline CC Program Overview & Updates CC Opportunities “Friendly” Audits On-going Compliance Trends to-date “Real” Audits (starting Summer/fall 2010) Questions / Committee Recruitment
3 CC Program Overview: The basics Did You Know? Continuing Competence Program (CCP) V 7.5 document, Approved June 2009 (on CAPF website) First 3-year Reporting Period ends March 31, 2010 Mandatory Minimums 84 CU Total, incl. 14 CU LPPP Use any combination of Level I and Level II to meet 84/14 Requirement
4 CC Program Overview: Little known Facts Did You Know? Conduct a Practice Self-Assessment and develop an Enhancement Plan – REQUIRED! – Worth 1 CU, Level I, G/T (*NEW* for 2009/10) A single learning event may be broken into Gen/Tech and LPPP
5 CC Program Updates: Non-compliant Members Updated CC Program guide available on CAPF website this month. (Feb 2010, V 8.0). Details being finalized, but basic changes… Detailed process for members non-compliant with the CCP requirements (84/14 by March 31) – Extenuating Circumstances? Apply for a Variance Request by June 30
6 CC Program Updates: Non-compliant Members (cont.) – July 1 st, Non-compliant Members notified – Effective August 1 st, issued a Practice Permit with Conditions (for 60 days) Meet CCP requirements (84/14) by September 30 OR Submit an Action Plan for Approval by September 30, to meet requirements OR Non-compliant, no Approved Variance Request, no Action Plan submitted, Registration will be suspended
7 CCP Version 8.0 Updates: Clarify Level II Criteria “Intention of Level II to recognize increased effort and expectations for active involvement by the participants.” “Asking questions as an audience member in a CIF or FILS type lecture, or visiting mills, or other processing facilities and or attending field tours where the material and learning process is not formally tested, are not acceptable Level II learning experiences.”
8 Increasing CC Opportunities CAPF LPPP: Audio Recording of CAPF AGM posted on website, listen and scroll through PP slides (Level I) Feb 2010 Workshop (expect Audio on web) March Study Session will be done in “Live Meeting” software via Gov’t satellite offices, as well as live speakers in Edmonton. Session will be recorded for future webcast.
9 Increasing CC Opportunities: CCP Jun ‘09 V 7.5, Feb ’10 V 8.0 Self-Study LPPP or Gen/Tech, Level I: SF Commitment Prepare and deliver Professional Presentations Publishing Professional Papers Reading legislation or professional papers *New* self-study options – Feb 2010 CCP – Practice Self-Assessment and Enhancement Plan (1 CU, Level I, G/T, annually) – LPPP Committee work (up to 5 CU, Level I, LPPP annually)
10 Self Study CU Summary Table Type of Self-StudyAnnual Maximum CU Sponsoring Forester (Effective 08/09 & 09/10) Up to 2 CU, LPPP Professional Committee (New 09/10) Up to 5 CU, LPPP Prepare & Deliver Presentations (08/09, 09/10) 2x presentation length, 4 CU max, LPPP or G/T Paper Publication (Effective 08/09 & 09/10) Up to 2 CU / paper, 4 CU max, LPPP or G/T Reading (Effective 08/09 & 09/10) Up to 1 CU /document, 3 CU max, LPPP or G/T Practice Self- Assessment (New 09/10) Up to 1 CU Gen/Tech
11 LPPP CC Opportunities (Fall ’09 ProNews Article): ABCFP on-line course, “Working Effectively with Aboriginal Peoples” (7.5 CU, Level II, LPPP), additional readings available WOLF online course, “Woodland Stewardship”, Other WOLF courses available for Gen/Tech CU.
12 Other CC Opportunities: AFEX (Alberta Forest Extension Network) – DVD purchase ($60/topic) – Summer/winter Stream Crossings, Forest Road Reclamation, Silvi, Road Maint. CIF E-lecture series Forestry Commons Website CAPFT website – course list
13 “Friendly” Audits Winter Purpose: raise awareness of CCP requirements and process among members, solidify real audit protocol, identify compliance and documentation trends, amend CCP as needed for better clarification In-progress (5% = 45 total: 18 completed, 23 in- progress to be completed by Mar 31) Thanks to the CC Committee (Marnie Cuthill, Byron Grundberg, Aaron Jones, Tim McCready & Paul Woodard) & Auditees
14 Compliance Trends To-date We have 730 RPF and FIT members 99% of membership has reported some CC in the past 3 years (720 out of 730) 80% of membership has reported more than 60 CU in the past 3 years (600 out of 730), well on track to meet 84 by March 31 65% of membership has reported 14+ CU of LPPP over the past 3 years (490 out of 730)
15 Compliance Trends To-date: Raw Numbers January 2010: Red Light: 140 Members report < 60 CU; of these, 90 Members report 6 or less CU LPPP Yellow Light: 90 Members report b/w CU; of these, 30 Members report 6 or less CU LPPP Red Light: 65 Members report 6 or less LPPP CU, (but have already exceeded 84 total CU)
16 “Real” Audits (Start This Summer) Formal audits will begin Summer / Fall 2010 – Audit and Appeal process being clarified in Feb 2010 CCP guide – Keep your documentation, review what to keep in the CCP guide, seek advice from the CAPF office or Competence Committee
17 Me! Questions? Suggestions? Wondering about CC eligibility, CU allocation for an event, or documentation? Want to join the CC Committee? (LPPP CU!) (780)