How Not to Meet the Abuse/Neglect Consultant Reducing the Likelihood of Incidents that will result in A/N Substantiations EDU 261
Issues Discipline Supervision Transportation Medication
Supervision Inside Be able to see all children all of the time Arrange activity centers and furniture so you can see into every area Never leave the changing table when a child is on it Know how many children are present Periodically take attendance by name and face
Supervision Outside Walk around the entire area of the playground. Do not sit or stand at a distance from where children are playing Stay close to areas where children can most easily hurt themselves or others Do not socialize with others when you are responsible for supervising children Never let children go back inside alone
Transportation/Field trips Divide your group into smaller groups of children and assign an adult to supervise each small group Make name tags for each child. Tags should not have the names of the children on them. Take attendance my name and face Assign a group leader for each vehicle used to transport children. The group leader will be responsible for making sure all children are present on the vehicle upon leaving for and returning from the trip.
Transportation (cont.) Assign each child to ride on the same vehicle both top and from the field trip Develop an attendance sheet that lists only the children to be transported in that vehicle Check attendance several times: Before leaving for the trip Before leaving the vehicle Once you reach the site of the trip Periodically during the trip Before actually leaving the site Upon returning to the vehicle Before getting out of the vehicle once you return When you get inside the facility upon returning
Medications Always read the parental permission given by the parents as well as the label on the medication Be sure to follow the 5 RIGHTS RIGHT CHILD RIGHT DOSAGE RIGHT MEDICATION RIGHT TIME RIGHT DATE
Your best chance of lessening the likelihood of a substantiation is not only to understand the NC Child Care Requirements, but to also practice their true meaning.