Interdisciplinary Writing Unit Pami Murphy READ 7140 Valdosta State University 5 th Grade
Interdisciplinary Writing Unit Presentation Grade Level 5 th grade Mode/Genre: Narrative – Simulated journal Narrative Story Has beginning, middle, end Simulated journal Assume the role of a person Content Integration Social Studies
Georgia Writing Test
Pre-assessment Teacher prompt: Pretend you are the teacher for a day. Write a journal entry about what happened while you were the teacher. Students: Activates prior knowledge Given 30 minutes to complete the assignment
Grouping Options Practice Whole group/direct instruction Students work together Open class discussion Increases time on task Assessment Independent Assess individual knowledge and strengths Teacher available for one-on-one help Group Peer to peer learning Learn from each other
Development, Cultural, and Linguistic Options Students explain cultural differences Multi-culturalism Cultural diversity Teach current knowledge Individual differences in prior knowledge
Prewriting Getting ready to write Things to consider: Topic Purpose Form Audience Graphic organizer Organize ideas
Prewriting Assessment Students Complete graphic organizer Follow scoring guide Individual work
Prewriting Graphic Organizer War in the North and South: 5 th Grade Characters Description Time (Year, day, time of day) Place (North/South) Topic/Title Setting Problem Murphy, P. (2006). Prewriting graphic organizer. Unpublished manuscript, Valdosta State University, GA. Name: ___________________________ Date: ____________________________
EventsMain IdeaSupporting Detail 1Supporting Detail 2 Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Event 5 Event 6 Ending/Conclusion Murphy, P. (2006). Prewriting graphic organizer. Unpublished manuscript, Valdosta State University, GA. Name: ___________________________
Name ___________________________________________________________ 5 th Grade Prewriting Scoring Guide Exceeds Standard 4 Meets Standard 3 Partially Meet Standard 2 Standard Not Met/ Improvement Needed 1 Score Characters2 characters listed and described in great detail 2 characters listed and described Less than 2 characters listed and described Less than two characters listed SettingsAll parts of setting filled out with descriptions All parts of setting filled out 1 part of setting filled out Setting not filled out ProblemProblem filled out with great detail Problem listed and is clear to understan d Problem written but unclear No problem listed EventsAt least 4 events listed with many details. At least 4 events listed with details 3-2 events listed with details Only one event or no events listed ConclusionConclusion written with much detail and is clear to understand Conclusion written and is easy to understan d Conclusion not clear or related to story Conclusion not listed Total Adapted from: Hasenfelt, J. (2006). Prewriting scoring guide, Unpublished manuscript: Valdosta State University,GA.
Drafting Use graphic organizer Form ideas into paragraphs Things to consider: Skip lines Write only on front Leave right hand margin Don’t correct errors
Drafting Assessment Graphic Organizer Form ideas into paragraphs Use scoring guide Content rather than mechanics
Name ___________________________________________________________ 5 th Grade Drafting Scoring Guide Exceeds Standard 4 Meets Standard 3 Partially Meet Standard 2 Standard Not Met/ Improvement Needed 1 Score CharactersCharacter(s) introduced in first paragraph and in complete sentence Character(s) introduced in first paragraph Character(s) not introduced in first paragraph Character(s) not in story SettingsSetting introduced in first paragraph and in complete sentence Setting introduced in first paragraph Setting not introduced in first paragraph Setting not in story ProblemDescribes problem in detail and complete sentences Problem introduced in first paragraph Problem written but unclear No Problem mentioned in story EventsFour events put into paragraphs, more details added, and written in complete sentences Four events put into four paragraphs with detail Less than four paragraphs listed Only one event or no events mentioned ConclusionConclusion written in complete sentence, much detail, and at end of story Conclusion written with much detail Conclusion not clear or related to story Conclusion not listed Total Adapted from: Hasenfelt, J. (2006). Drafting scoring guide, Unpublished manuscript:. Valdosta State University, GA.
Revising Clarify and refine ideas Things to consider: Add Delete Substitute Rearrange Students: Reread writing Share with partner Make changes
Revising Assessment Partners Writer: Reads text Questions Listener: Compliments Suggestions Use different color writing utensils
Meets Standard 3 Standard Not Met/ Improvement Needed 1 Score SharingShares rough draft with partner Does not share rough draft with partner Deletes Deletes unneeded words or sentences if necessary Does not delete unneeded words or sentences Adds Adds words to text to make more descriptive Does not add words to text Substituting and Rearranging Substitutes and rearranges words/sentences if necessary Does not substitute and rearrange text to make clearer IdeasIdeas written in detail and easy to understand Ideas not written in detail, and very hard to understand Total Name: ______________________________________ 5 th Grade Revision Scoring Guide Murphy, Pami. (2006). Revision scoring guide. Unpublished manuscript. Valdosta State University, GA.
Editing Put text into final form Things to consider: Proofread Proofreaders’ Marks Correct mechanical errors Capitalization Punctuation Spelling Sentence structure Usage
Editing Assessment Writer: Proofreads Partner: Helps proofread Correct mechanical errors Teacher: Final edit Use scoring guide
Meets Standard 3 Partially Meet Standard 2 Standard Not Met/ Improvement Needed 1 Score Proofreader’s Marks Used proofreader’ s marks correctly Does not use proofreader’s marks correctly ChangesMarks text using 2 different colors Marks text using 1 color Does not mark text IdeasIdeas written in detail and easy to understand Ideas written in detail, but needs work with transitions Ideas not written in detail, and very hard to understand Total Name: ______________________________________ 5 th Grade Editing Scoring Guide Murphy, Pami. (2006). Editing scoring guide. Unpublished manuscript. Valdosta State University, GA.
Publishing Bring compositions to life Publishing Sharing Author’s chair
Publishing Assessment Final copy Typed Publish Share Small groups
Accommodations and Modifications Emotional behavioral disorder Sit closer to teacher Less distractions Adequate personal space More on-task behavior Visual impairments Materials Larger print Computer if necessary Adequate light Sit near front
Interdisciplinary Writing Unit Presentation Grade Level 5 th grade Mode/Genre: Expository – Comparison Essay Expository Gives information Comparison essay Compares 2 or more things Similarities or differences Content Integration Social Studies
Pre-assessment Teacher prompt: Compare night and day. Use similarities and differences. Students: Activates prior knowledge Given 30 minutes to complete the assignment
Grouping Options Practice Whole group/direct instruction Students work together Open class discussion Peer to peer learning Assessment Independent Assess individual knowledge and strengths Teacher available for one-on-one help Group
Development, Cultural, and Linguistic Students explain cultural differences Multi-culturalism Cultural diversity Teach current knowledge Individual differences in prior knowledge
Prewriting Getting ready to write Things to consider: Topic Purpose Form Audience Graphic organizer Organize ideas
Prewriting Assessment Students Complete graphic organizer Follow scoring guide Individual work
Compare and Contrast Graphic Organizer: 5 th Grade Name: Date: Event 1 Event 2 Different Alike Murphy, P. (2006). Compare and contrast graphic organizer. Unpublished manuscript.: Valdosta State University, GA. 1.__________________ _________________ 2.__________________ _________________ 3.__________________ _________________ 4.__________________ _________________ 5.__________________ _________________ 1.__________________ _________________ 2.__________________ _________________ 3.__________________ _________________ 4.__________________ _________________ 5.__________________ _________________ 1.__________________ _________________ 2.__________________ _________________ 3.__________________ _________________ 4.__________________ _________________ 5.__________________ _________________
Prewriting Scoring Guide for Expository Writing Compare and Contrast Name: _________________________________________________ Date: _________________________________________________ TopicExceeds Standard 4 Meets Standard 3 Partially Meet Standard 2 Standard Not Met/ Improvement Needed 1 Teacher Comments FormatAll areas of the graphic organizer are filled out Little or none of the areas in the graphic organizer are filled out Comparison (Alike) At least 5 similarities are filled in with at least 2 details At least 5 similarities are filled in 2-4 similarities are filled in 0-1 similarities filled in Contrast (Different) Event 1 At least 5 differences are filled with at least 2 details At least 5 differences are filled in 2-4 differences are filled in 0-1 differences filled in Contrast (Different) Event 2 At least 5 differences are filled with at least 2 details At least 5 differences are filled in 2-4 differences are filled in 0-1 differences filled in Total Score: Murphy, P. (2006). Prewriting scoring guide for expository writing: compare and contrast, Unpublished manuscript. Valdosta State University, GA.
Drafting Use graphic organizer Form ideas into paragraphs Things to consider: Skip lines Write only on front Leave right hand margin Don’t correct errors
Drafting Assessment Graphic Organizer Form ideas into paragraphs Use scoring guide Content rather than mechanics
Drafting Scoring Guide for Expository Writing Compare and Contrast Name: _________________________________________________ Date: _________________________________________________ TopicExceeds Standard 4 Meets Standard 3 Partially Meet Standard 2 Standard Not Met/ Improvement Needed 1 Teacher Comments IdeasIdeas were clear and written in great detail Ideas were clear and written in detail Ideas were written but unclear No ideas written Comparison (Alike) At least 5 similarities are written in essay with at least 2 accurate details At least 5 similarities are written in the essay 2-4 similarities are written in the essay 0-1 similarities are written in the essay Contrast (Different) Event 1 At least 5 differences are written in the essay with at least 2 accurate details At least 5 differences are filled written in the essay 2-4 differences are written in the essay 0-1 differences are written in the essay Contrast (Different) Event 2 At least 5 differences are written in the essay with at least 2 accurate details At least 5 differences are filled written in the essay 2-4 differences are written in the essay 0-1 differences are written in the essay Total Score: Murphy, P. (2006). Drafting scoring guide for expository writing: Compare and contrast, Unpublished manuscript. Valdosta State University, GA.
Revising Clarify and refine ideas Things to consider: Add Delete Substitute Rearrange Students: Reread writing Share with partner Make changes
Revising Assessment Partners Read your own essay compliments Questions Suggestions Use different color writing utensils Make changes
Meets Standard 3 Standard Not Met/ Improvement Needed 1 Score SharingShares rough draft with partner Does not share rough draft with partner Deletes Deletes unneeded words or sentences if necessary Does not delete unneeded words or sentences Adds Adds words to text to make more descriptive Does not add words to text Substituting and Rearranging Substitutes and rearranges words/sentences if necessary Does not substitute and rearrange text to make clearer IdeasIdeas written in detail and easy to understand Ideas not written in detail, and very hard to understand Total Name: ______________________________________ 5 th Grade Revision Scoring Guide Murphy, Pami. (2006). Revision scoring guide. Unpublished manuscript. Valdosta State University, GA.
Editing Put text into final form Things to consider: Proofread Proofreaders’ Marks Correct mechanical errors Capitalization Punctuation Spelling Sentence structure Usage
Editing Assessment Writer: Proofreads Partner: Helps proofread Correct mechanical errors Teacher: Final edit Use scoring guide
Meets Standard 3 Partially Meet Standard 2 Standard Not Met/ Improvement Needed 1 Score Proofreader’s Marks Used proofreader’ s marks correctly Does not use proofreader’s marks correctly ChangesMarks text using 2 different colors Marks text using 1 color Does not mark text IdeasIdeas written in detail and easy to understand Ideas written in detail, but needs work with transitions Ideas not written in detail, and very hard to understand Total Name: ______________________________________ 5 th Grade Editing Scoring Guide Murphy, Pami. (2006). Editing scoring guide. Unpublished manuscript. Valdosta State University, GA.
Publishing Bring compositions to life Publishing Sharing Author’s chair
Publishing Assessment Final copy Typed Publish Share Small groups
Accommodations and Modifications Emotional behavioral disorder Sit closer to teacher Less distractions Adequate personal space More on-task behavior Visual impairments Materials Larger print Computer if necessary Adequate light Sit near front
References Murphy, Pami. (2006). Publishing scoring guide. Unpublished manuscript. Valdosta State University, GA. Murphy, Pami. (2006). Editing scoring guide. Unpublished manuscript. Valdosta State University, GA. Murphy, P. (2006). Prewriting graphic organizer. Unpublished manuscript, Valdosta State University, GA. Adapted from: Hasenfelt, J. (2006). Prewriting scoring guide, Unpublished manuscript: Valdosta State University, GA. Adapted from: Hasenfelt, J. (2006). Drafting scoring guide, Unpublished manuscript:. Valdosta State University, GA. Tompkins, G.E. (2005). Language arts: Patterns of practice (6th ed.). Columbus: Merrill.