District Improvement….
Outcomes Why we are in District Improvement. What is DISTRICT IMPROVEMENT? How we got this rating. What does this mean for Parkway? What does this mean for your school? Chialin Assessment website Assessment
What is DISTRICT IMPROVEMENT? Adequate Yearly Progress Test data is reported by economic background, race and ethnicity, English proficiency and disability. Measuring progress by subgroups will demonstrate not just that overall student performance is improving, but also that achievement gaps are closing between disadvantaged students and other students. Holding schools accountable for the academic achievement of all subgroups ensures that no child is left behind. Ed.gov
To be held accountable, a school must have the following number in each of 8 subgruops taking the test… All students (30) American Indian (30) Asian/Pacific Islanders (30) African American (30) Hispanic (30) White (30) IEP (50) LEP (50) Free/Reduced Lunch (30)
Must meet the yearly target set by NCLB Communication Arts 2005: 26.6 (percent reaching Proficient & Advanced) 2006: 34.7 2007: 42.9 Math 2005: 17.5 2006: 26.6 2007: 35.8
Must meet the yearly target set by NCLB Communication Arts 2005: 26.6 2006: 34.7 2007: 42.9 Math 2005: 17.5 2006: 26.6 2007: 35.8 AYP = meeting both content areas, all subgroups
Why is Parkway in District Improvement? We have not made ADEQUATE YEARLY PROGRESS for two consecutive years: The followings are the subgroups we did not meet (Both Com Arts and Math) African American Free Reduced Lunch (Both Com Arts and Math) African American Free Reduced Lunch IEP LEP (Only Com Arts)
What does this mean for Parkway? Any school district receiving Title 1 funds must meet certain requirements, identified by NCLB. Requirements differ by years in District Improvement. District Improvement (DI):
Can exit District Improvement (DI) if… We must remain in DI for two years. We meet AYP in the content or indicator that caused the initial DI for two consecutive years NO other content or indicator NOT making AYP
Consequences of DI, Year 1 Letter to all parents Develop or revise the district CSIP within 3 months of identificationCSIP Include scientifically based strategies Identify actions that have the greatest likelihood of addressing achievement Addressing Professional Development
Also… Parent involvement After school involvement Summer school Specify responsibilities of DESE
The biggie…. Include specific, measurable targets for each of the groups in the disaggregated data
What does this mean for your school? Your school goals must be tweaked to include: A goal for Communication Arts A goal for Mathematics Both measured by MAP Include specific, measurable targets for each of the groups in the disaggregated data Our school made AYP, why are we part of District Improvement?
Achievement Goal: Can be current CSIP goal, or an additional goal. Must address: Comm Arts & Math MAP scores and label a quantifiable target for proficiency. StrategyStrategy #1Strategy #2Strategy #3
What next? Data analysis! PARS Level 1 and II for Administrators PARS for Counselors Stanford Data to arrive October/November CSIP revisions due by November 16 th. CSIP revisions presented to Board December 15 th and sent to state.
Action Steps The smaller, explicit steps to accomplish a strategy. Include: Person Responsible Data to be collected Target Date Funding Source Back
STRATEGY How are we going to meet the measureable objective? Your achievement goal will most likely have multiple strategies but one should include the targets by subgroup. Example: ABC School will raise the achievement levels of the 4 subgroups represented to the following levels: African American to 55.7%, IEP to 46.9 %, Asian Pacific Islander to 69.8 %, LEP to 33.4 %. Back Back
Example: ABC School will raise the proficiency level of all students as measured by The Communication Arts portion of the MAP test to the a level of 66.7%. (this number may be the Safe Harbor target) FAQ: What if our safe harbor target is above the federal target? ANSWER Back
Continue to use the safe harbor number provided even though It is higher than the federal benchmark. We don’t want to show regression. Back
The number of students in your schools subgroups all contribute to the total Parkway number of students in each subgroup. Back