Introduction of MOSZ Participation in EU decision making process Endre Oláh Endre Oláh counsellor counsellor National Federation of Agricultural Co-operators and Producers (MOSZ)
Established in 1967 MOSZ is one of the most significant agricultural lobby organisation More than 600 members employees (with seasonal workers) Represent % of the agricultural production National Federation of Agricultural Co-operators and Producers Some basic information
20 regional federations Industrial federations Main authorities: Congress – strategic objectives General Assembly – evaluation of the decisions of the Congress National Federation of Agricultural Co-operators and Producers Structure I.
Praesidium Administrative body – 20 persons 3 Secretariates: - legal and cooperative - legal and cooperative - economic policy - economic policy - agriculture and trade development - agriculture and trade development National Federation of Agricultural Co-operators and Producers Structure II.
Interest protection and representation of our members Improve of living and income conditions of agricultural producers Enhancement of cooperation National Federation of Agricultural Co-operators and Producers Mission
Shaping of opinion Proposals for modification of acts and rules Initiation of discussion Assistance in problems (law, trade, taxation, finance etc.) Demonstrations National Federation of Agricultural Co-operators and Producers Tools I.
Newsletter ( Hírlevél), E-news Professional forums Operating an advisory network Operating of sectorial committees National Federation of Agricultural Co-operators and Producers Tools II.
Accession negotiations Different market regulation and support measures Decisions out of national control New methods, new channels Monitoring Committees National Federation of Agricultural Co-operators and Producers EU accession I.
COPA – COGECA (3 Hungarian members) Advisory groups of European Commission EESC (European Economic and Social Committee) European Parliament National Federation of Agricultural Co-operators and Producers EU accession II.
COPA - COGECA GEOPA (employers organisation of C&C) ICA (International Co-operative Alliance) Council for Reconcilation – determination of minimum wage Council for Reconcilation of Agriculture and Rural Development Affairs Product line Committees National Federation of Agricultural Co-operators and Producers Main memberships
Thank you for the attention! National Federation of Agricultural Co-operators and Producers