1 The Canterbury Tales
2 Map of England
3 Thomas Becket Born in 1118 in Normandy Father was English merchant/former Sheriff in London Family was well off Was charming, intelligent, diplomatic Archbishop Theobold sent Becket to Paris to study law and when he returned, Theobold made him Archdeacon of Canterbury.
4 Becket ’ s Big Break Was introduced to King Henry II They became great friends Henry II named Becket his Chancellor When Archbishop Theobold died in 1161, Henry II made Becket the Archbishop of Canterbury.
5 What A Scoundrel! Henry named Becket Archbishop because he saw this as an opportunity to increase his influence over the Church by naming his friend to the highest church post in the land. One problem: Becket was never ordained as a priest. NO PROBLEM: Henry invested Becket as a priest; the next day (June 2, 1162) he was ordained a Bishop, and that same day was made Archbishop.
6 Do you think Henry easily imposed his will upon the church? Nope! Becket ’ s allegiance shifted from government to the Church. In these days, religious clerics were tried in a church court if they did something wrong. Henry didn ’ t like this because a Canon accused of murder was acquitted by a church court. Henry set out to change the law and Becket refused to agree to the changes in the law. Henry summoned Becket to court and demanded to know what Becket did with a large sum of money.
7 Becket Sure Is Smart! Becket fled to France because he knew something bad was brewing. Remained in exile for six years. The friends seemed to resolve their dispute in 1170 when Henry and Becket met in Normandy. On Nov. 30, Becket crossed the English Channel to return to his post at Canterbury.
8 Uh Oh. Not Again! Earlier, while in France, Becket had excommunicated the Bishops of London and Salisbury for their support of the king. Becket refused to absolve the bishops when he returned to Canterbury. This really made Henry mad! He supposedly said:
9 “ What sluggards, what cowards have I brought up in my court, who care nothing but for their allegiance to their lord. Who will rid me of this meddlesome priest. ”
10 Here They Come! Henry ’ s outrage inspired four knights to sail to England to rid the country of Becket. They arrived at Canterbury during the afternoon of December 29 and immediately searched for Becket. Becket fled to the Cathedral where a service was in progress.
11 The Murder The knights found Archbishop Becket at the altar, drew their swords, and began hacking at their victim finally splitting his skull.
12 So What Happened? Becket ’ s death made King Henry mad. The knights who did the deed to curry the king ’ s favor, fell into disgrace. There was talk of several miracles occurring at Becket ’ s tomb. Pilgrims began transforming Canterbury Cathedral into a shrine.
13 The Canterbury Cathedral