Prognostic factors in systemic lupus erithematosus Author: Nicoleta Roman Cooauthor: Anicua-Ionela Morar Coordinator: Lecturer Dr. Monica Copotoiu U.M.F Tg Mure Prognostic factors in Systemic Lupus Erithematosus Author: Nicoleta Roman Cooauthor: Anicua-Ionela Morar Coordonator: Monica Copotoiu UMF TG MURE Prognostic factors in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Author: Nicoleta Roman Cooauthor: Anicua-Ionela Morar Coordonator: Monica Copotoiu UMF TG MURE Prognostic factors in Systemic Lupus Erithematosus Author: Nicoleta Roman Coordinator: Assist.Prof.Dr.Monica Copotoiu Cooauthor: Anicua-Ionela Morar Farca Marcela Leontina UMF TG MURE Marisiensis 2014 Prognostic factors in systemic lupus erithematosus Prognostic factors in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Author: Nicoleta Roman Coordinator: Monica Copotoiu MD, Phd Cooauthors: Anicua-Ionela Morar Marcela-Leontina Farca Marisensis 2014 UMF TG MURE
Introduction Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is the prototype of a multiorgan autoimmune disease that predominantly affects women of childbearing age and is still considered as a disease with an ambiguous etiology. Prognosis in SLE was significant improved in recent years, but the damage specific organs remains an important cause of morbidity at these patients.
Clinical aspect Arthritis and cutaneous manifestation are the most common, but renal, hematologic, cardio- vascular and neurologic manifestation contribute largely for the prognostic, morbidity and mortality.
The aim of this study is to analyse the evolution and the prognostic factors of the patients diagnosed with SLE.
Materials and methods This is a retrospective and prospective study performed on 74 patients hospitalized in the Rheumatology Department of Tg Mure County Clinical Emergency Hospital between Studied parameters were gender, onset age, personal history, onset of disease manifestation, comorbidities, laboratory investigation and treatment followed.
Materials and methods GraphPad Prism 5.0 program and Microsoft Excel program were used for the statistical interpretation of dates. The study population consisted predominantly female (95,94%) with an age of 43,04±12,03 years old, age at onset of SLE was 36,03±11,84 years old and disease duration was 7,12±7,81 years old.
Results and discussion
p=0,35 85% of infections were urinary tract infections with Escherichia coli. A positive statistical correlation was noticed between CYC and systemic vasculitis (p=0,001 r=0,36) p=0,43
Side effects of corticosteroids. Results and discussion
Conclusions 1.CYC and AZT are a known risk factors for infections, even though in our study we didn’t find a positive statistically correlation (might be due to the lack of access of the GPs files), just a higher percentage. 2.CYC is a common therapy used in systemic vasculitis. 3.LN is one of the most severe manifestations of SLE and affects at young ages. 4.Therapy with corticosteroids was associated with many side effects which may influence prognosis in SLE. 5.Association of APLS at women with SLE is not correlated with higher rate of miscarriages this beeing in contradiction with other studies.
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