SED 593 Applied Project Dr. Billie Enz
Contact information Instructor: Billie Enz, Ph.D., (h) (c) Life happens. But when it does let me know!
Expectations: This seminar meets via blackboard or voice to voice via phone if necessary. Students typically spend about 8-hours per week to complete the requirements for the research paper.
The paper builds sequentially Topic Idea: a paragraph defining an area of interest. Research Rationale and Question: 5 pages. Why is this topic important to you? What do you hope to discover as you explore this topic? Why is this topic important to the field of education? Literature Review Outline: 2 pages. How do you plan to organize your literature? What are the lines of research that influence or intersect with your research topic? Literature Review: 20 pages. A review of current literature related to the topic must be evident. Background information fully describing the issue must be complete and past and current (written in the past five years) research information on the topic must be described and organized in a way that builds the readers knowledge of the issues. References: At least 20 research references. References and sources are listed using APA (American Psychological Association) format.
The poster presentation Presentation: The presentation of this paper must overview and synthesize the findings of the rationale for the topic and the literature review. Send poster to Dr. Enz and Dr. Dorn Effective Use of Poster: The technology used to present information must enhance the ability of the audience to understand the content and results of the project. Organization: The organization of the content must enhance and showcase the central idea of the paper and the results of the literature review.
Academic integrity policy Plagiarism means using another’s words, ideas, materials or work without properly acknowledging and documenting the source. Students are responsible for knowing the rules governing the use of another’s work or materials and for acknowledging and documenting the source appropriately. Students should expect follow-through with disciplinary action in cases of plagiarism. life/judicial/integrity.html
ClassDateAssignment – TopicPoints 1 12/28 Review syllabus Course expectations Discuss research paper Topic idea ___5 2 1/3 Rational 4-5 pages Send rationale to Dr. Enz Rationale ____/10 3 2/8Outline for literature review Embedded references Outline ____/15 4 3/1 20 page literature review 20 references Lit Review ____/30 20 references ___/20 5 3/8 Send poster to Dr. Dorn and Dr. EnzPoster ____/10 63/27 Copy of power point presentationPresentation ____/10