SPAM What do we mean by rhetorical context? SPAM is a set of tools we’ll use to look at rhetorical context and make decisions about how to best communicate our ideas. S ituation: P urpose: A udience: M ode:
Rhetorical Context If you were trying to start a daycare business, which font would you choose for your business cards? or ? Why did you pick your answer? What about the Situation, Purpose, Audience, or Mode of this rhetorical context helped you make that decision?
Think about this… 1) You are hoping to start a new student organization at CLC. A proposal must be submitted to the Office of Student Life to get approval for this organization. 2) You have gotten approval for your student organization. Now you need to get students interested in becoming members. How do these two rhetorical contexts differ in Situation, Purpose, Audience, and Mode? What might your final products look like for each context?
What is “Rhetorical Analysis”? Let’s break it down: What is “analysis”? What is “rhetoric”? When writing a rhetorical analysis, you are NOT saying whether or not you agree with the argument. You are also not merely summarizing what the argument is or what the rhetorician said/wrote while making the argument. Instead, you’re discussing both how the rhetorician makes that argument and whether or not the approach used is successful or effective (definition adapted from the Texas A&M Writing Center website).
the rhetorician’s goals (implicit or explicit): Purpose/Situation/Audience the techniques (or tools or strategies) used: Mode examples of those techniques claims as to why the rhetorician may have used those tools backed up by analysis of examples, considering SPAM the effectiveness of those techniques backed up by analysis of SPAM and the rhetorician’s choices A rhetorical analysis should include: