Created by: Jason Hansen 28 March 2012
The Computer Begins Many steps in starting the computer Important people and devices (1975-Now) Do you know… The first computer invented? Who invented it? How the Internet started?
Main Historical Items Early Computational Devices Early Computers Inventors/Developers Internet Computer Generations Summary
Computational Devices Abacus – first counting and calculating tool Punched Cards – contains digital information for… Inputting programs and data Created by Herman Hollerith Abacus
Early Computers ENIAC – first general purpose electronic computer Mark 1 – electromagnetic computer at Harvard EDSAC – one of the earliest British computers Created by: Jon von Newman Mark 1
More Early Computers EDVAC – earliest computer by Eckert & Mauchly UNIVAC – first commercial computer in U.S. Also created by Eckert and Mauchly Altair 8800 – first microcomputer; in 1975 EDVAC
Inventors and Developers Steve Jobs – co-founder and CEO of Apple Inc. Steve Wozniak – co-founder of Apple Also was computer engineer/programmer Bill Gates – co-founder of Microsoft Paul Allen – co-founder of Microsoft
Inventors cont… Eckert and Mauchly – American physicists and computer designers Tim Berners-Lee – invented the World Wide Web Marc Andreesen – Mosaic and Netscape co-author Herman Hollerith – inventor of punched cards Eckert & Mauchly
More Inventors Charles Babbage – (Father of Computing) Originated programmable computer concept Blaise Pascal – French mathematician who invented calculators Jon von Newman – theory of quantum mechanics
The Internet ARPANET – first operational switching network Led to the Global Internet Mosaic – first browser and had WWW Department of Defense – started ARPANET across U.S.
Computer Generations 1 st Gen. – ( ) Vacuum Tubes 2 nd Gen. – ( ) Transistors 3 rd Gen. – ( ) Integrated Circuits
Generations 4 th Gen. – (1971-Present) Microprocessors Chip capable of full size computer 5 th Gen. – (Present-Beyond) Artificial Intelligence Still developing: learning, responding, & organizing GENERATIONS OF COMPUTERS
Computer History Topics Earliest Computational Devices Earliest Computers Important Inventors and Developers The Internet Generations of Computers
Now You Know… About the building blocks of computers Most important people in computers How computers evolved In size, speed, and energy efficiency