PSAT 8/9 WHAT – this test will help figure out what a student needs to work on most to be ready for college when they graduate from HS. WHO – 8 TH AND 9 TH grade students WHERE – Fluvanna County High School WHEN – October 14 th 9:00 am BENEFITS – establishes a baseline measurement and give students an opportunity to preview the PSAT/NMSQT and SAT For 9 th grade students the test results will let them see if they should check out AP World History or AP European History as potential 10 th grade courses.
PSAT/NMSQT AND PSAT 10 WHAT – this test is a great way to preview and practice for the SAT. 11 th grade students who test are entered into the National Merit Scholarship Program WHO – 10 th and 11 th grade students WHERE – Fluvanna County High School WHEN – Oct. 14 th 9:00 am BENEFITS – Identify students strengths and weakness for continued growth towards college readiness and assist in identifying students for potential AP courses.
SAT WHAT – this test is used by college admissions offices as one tool in the evaluation process for college admissions WHO – typically Juniors in their second semester and seniors WHERE – various locations. FCHS only gives the test in October on our campus however other testing sites include: FUMA, Albemarle HS, Louisa HS, Covenent School, Charlottesville HS. WHEN – Saturday dates in October, November, December, January, March, May and June ( for dates)
COMPARISON OF THE VARIOUS TESTS PSAT 8/9 2 hrs and 25 min Reading, Writing/Language, Math Emphasis on reasoning, focus on knowledge, skills and understandings most important for college and career success Emphasis on meaning of word in EXTENDED CONTEXTS and how word choice shapes meaning, tone and impact Points for correct answers and no deduction for incorrect answers PSAT/NMSQT 2 hrs and 45 min Reading, Writing and Language, Math Emphasis on reasoning, clearer, stronger focus on knowledge, skill and understandings most important for college and career success Greater Emphasis on the meaning or words in extended contexts Points for correct answers and no deduction for incorrect answers SAT 3 hrs and 50 minutes for the Essay if chosen Reading, Writing and language, Math and optional Writing Continued emphasis on reasoning, etc Greater emphasis on the meaning of word Points for Correct answer Essay if chosen is given at the end of the test. Postsecondary institutions determine if they will require this for admissions
COMPARISON’S CONTINUED PSAT 8/9 Total Scores from 240 – 1440 Section Scores Scale – – 36 on test and cross-test scores Subscores on a 1-15 scale for every test to provided added insight Component # of ?’s Reading – 40 Writing and Language– 42 Math – 38 Total ?’s PSAT/NMSQT Total Scores from Section Scores Scale – – 38 for test and cross-test scores Subscores on a 1 to 15 scale for every test Reading – 47 Writing and language – 44 Math – 48 Total ?’s SAT Total Scores from Section Scores from on test and cross-test scores Subscores on a 1 to 15 scale Essay results reports for Reading, Analysis, and Writing on a 2 to 8 scale Reading - 52 Writing and language – 44 Math – 57 Total ?’s 153 Optional Essay - 1
READING Read passages and interpret informational graphics then use what you read to answer the questions One passage from a classic or contemporary work of US or World lit One passage or pair of passages from either a US founding document or a text in the great global conversation ( example; The US Constitution or a speech by Nelson Mandela) A selection about economics, psychology, sociology or some other social science Two science passages that examine foundational concepts and developments in Earth Science, biology, chemistry or physics.
READING - continued Command of Evidence – questions where the student finds evidence in the passage to support an answer to a previous ? Or assists in coming to a conclusion, or identify how authors use evidence to support claims, or find a relationship between information graphics and the passage it is paired with Word in Context – Important, widely used words and phrases found in texts in many different subjects. Words widely used in college and the workplace Analysis in History/Social Studies and Science - ?’s to draw on ones reading skills needed to succeed in these subject areas. Examples: Examine a hypotheses, interpret data, consider implications
WRITING AND LANGUAGE Skills used in everyday life; Read, Find mistakes and weaknesses and Fix them Command of Evidence – ways to improve and develop information and ideas Word in Context – select the best word based upon the text surrounding them to improve syntax, style, tone or make a passage more precise Analysis in History and in Science – Read passages in these topics and make editorial decisions as to how to improve them Express of Ideas – Organization and impact of the words in a passage and what structural changes may improve how it makes its point Standard English Conventions – sentence structure, usage, and punctuation – comma use, verb tense, subject-verb agreement
Mathematics ?’s that mirror the problem solving and modeling you may use in College math, science and social science courses The jobs you may hold Your personal life Most of these will be Multiple choice but some will be grid – in 2 Portions of the test – one with Calculator and one without calculator use Most questions will focus on two areas of math Heart of ALGEBRA – mastery of linear equations and systems Problem Solving and Data Analysis A few questions will be Passport to Advanced Math and require manipulation of complex equations.
Mathematics - continued Fluency – carry out procedures flexibly, accurately, efficiently and strategically. Solve problems quickly by identifying and using the most efficient solution approaches Conceptual Understanding – grasp of math concepts, operations and relations. ( make a connection between properties of linear equations, their graphs and the contexts they represent) Applications – real world problems where you analyze a situation, determine essential elements required to solve the problem or carry out a solution Calculator Use – Calculator portion – focus on complex modeling and reasoning. Non Calculator portion – tests well-learned technique and number sense and the students’ understanding of some math concepts
SUGGESTED TESTING TIMELINE FALL GRADES 8 AND PSAT 8/9 FALL GRADES 10 & 11 --PSAT 10 & PSAT/NMSQT ** SPRING GRADE 11 – SAT &/OR ACT FALL GRADE 12 – SAT &/OR ACT ** PSAT 10 will not be available until Spring 2016 so 10 th grade students will be taking the PSAT/NMSQT test this fall
PSAT/NMQST – SCHOLARSHIPS PARTNERS Scores for Students who test in October of their Junior year are used in determining eligibility for entrance into the National Merit Scholarship Program National Merit Scholarship National Hispanic Recognition Program National Scholarship Program for African American students Telluride Scholars Program – 6 week summer program scholarship American Indian Graduate Center Asian & Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund Jack Kent Cooke Foundation United Negro College Fund **** Select YES in the Student Search Service” to have your scores reviewed for participation in these and other scholarship programs.
HOW TO PREPARE Take Challenging Courses Do Your Homework Prepare for tests and quizzes Ask and answer lots of questions Brush up on skills before testing Utilize test prep software
TEST PREP AND KHAN ACADEMY Review the redesigned test specifications to deepen your understanding off the new SAT by going to: