Where do poets get their ideas? Do you think ideas are original and unique to the person who thought them?
A type of poetry created by taking words and phrases from other sources and reframing them as poetry. Your group will be assigned one character from The Crucible to write a found poem about. Your poem should express to your audience the type of person you think this character is. Your source for words and phrases will be the play itself.
Each person will: 1. Identify one page that has a lot of information about that character (ie. things that character says or statements that are made about or to that character). 2. Choose ten words or phrases that are relevant to that character and write them down separately on the copy paper, leaving room for them to be cut out. 3. Cut out each word and phrase. As a group: 4. Manipulate the words and phrases in order to create a found poem about your assigned character. 5. Write your group’s poem neatly on large paper and decorate your poem. 6. Sign your name and write your page numbers on the back of your group’s paper.
Which character are you writing your found poem about? What are this character’s best qualities? What are his/her worst qualities?
What do you think happened after the end of the play? Why do you think this?
Make a list of ten possible events that happen after the end of the play. These events have to include the characters we have already met.
If you were designing the One- Scene Sequel, what would your requirements be? Make a list of them.