Masal/Mashal – cryptic or dark saying Proverb, 1 Samuel 24:13; Ezekiel 12:22 Byword, Psalm 44:14 Parable/Discourse, Numbers 23:18 Allegorical Parable, Ezekiel 24:3 This Hebrew term was translated into Greek as PARABOLE.
Used in Gospels: Proverb, Luke 4:23 Riddle, Mark 3:23 Ethical Instruction, Luke 14:7-11 Comparison, Matthew 13:33 Contrast, Luke 18:1-8 Simple Stories, Luke 13:6-9 Complex Stories, Matthew 22:1-14
Large percentage of Jesus’ teachings Jesus uses them to teach about … 1.God (“God is like …”, because He is like nothing!) 2.Righteousness/Justice (duty, not compassion) 3.Wisdom (even “shrewdness”) 4.Judgment 5.Jesus’ Own Work 6.Transforming Listeners 7.Above all, the Kingdom
Parables are challenging because of … Cultural distance Incomplete narrative Biblical illiteracy Ignore Gospel settings Assumptions about meaning (Familiarity) Self-centered reading
Augustine’s Interpretation of the Parable of the Good Samaritan “certain man” = Adam “Jerusalem” = heavenly city “Jericho” = Adam’s mortality “Thieves” = Devil and his angels “Stripped him” = removed immortality “Beat him” = persuaded him to sin “Left him half dead” = died spiritually
“Priest” & “Levite” = OT “Samaritan” = Christ “Bound wounds” = restrained sin “Oil/wine” = hope & encouragement “Beast” = Christ’s incarnation “Inn” = Church “Innkeeper” = Paul 2 Denarii = 2 Great Commandments This interpretation is bad!!
Guidelines for Interpretation Parables have ONE point Context in the Gospel Look at the audience Look for the “turn” – the unexpected ending
TYPICAL DEFINITION: “Earthly story with an heavenly meaning.” A saying with a meaning that goes beyond the surface level meaning. A comparison of two unlike things. “Imaginary gardens with real toads” A manner of teaching that both explains and conceals, Mark 4:10-13.
1.Brief – “thin” characters 2.Simple & Symmetrical 3.Human Characters 4.Fictional – “They could happen” 5.Engaging – Draw in and surprise 6.Reversal – Unexpected or opposites happen 7.Crucial Matter at End – “punch line” 8.Context Is Crucial 9.“Theocentric” 10.Allude to Old Testament 11.Many Occur in Collections
What Do They Do? Parables lower our defenses. Parables have a main character who turns out to be you. Parables create an “other” world, and then shatter yours.