Matthew High Period 2 5/28/14
Elephant Gargantuan, gentle Stomps, munches, cleanses Excited, amazed, astounded, noticeable Herbivore
I remember the blistering hot day, I stumbled on my aching legs, for what seemed like miles, in the deathly sunshine of Pompeii. I remember the cool breeze and the soothing water on my face as we scampered around Capri in a rental boat. I remember being at the summit of the colossal volcano Mt. Vesuvius, the murderer of Pompeii. I remember the glowing blue water, the Blue Grotto under Capri, miniature boats dwelling with excited tourists, expecting to get a glimpse of the water. I remember the cheetah-like lizards zooming around my Azi Maria’s farm, and her little chubby dog barking as my brother and I cornered some helpless lizards.
Tweet, tweet, chirp, chirp, chirp Rustling leaves in the trees Birds say spring is back
I like the summer, burning hot days A time to play outside The snow is gone The ground is clear Stay outdoors, In the beautiful sun Explore a book, Ride your bike Because summer is finally here!