G OALS AND O BJECTIVES To capture Vancouver’s spirit and history, it’s people and it’s many achievements as the Pacific National Exhibition The largest employer of youth in BC - Playland The longest running and best attended annual ticketed event – The Fair
E VENT C ONCEPT Millions of guests have enjoyed shows, exhibits, sporting events, amusement rides, concerts, cultural activities and the Fair at the PNE Many of today's largest consumer shows got their start as a part of the annual Fair
E VENT P ROGRAM Home to over 1,800 event days annually 3 main events at PNE: Playland: April 30 – September 25 The Fair: August 20 – September 5 Fright Nights: October 15 – October 31 Playland Private Events School Science Days Orphans Day Family Night Media Night T&T Night
E VENT P ROGRAM Open Playland Birthday Parties Corporate Events School Year End Parties Summer Camps Gay Day Other events held at PNE Disney on Ice Tattoo & Culture Show Sporting Games
C OST PNE generates about $115 million in economic benefits to Vancouver Playland: Season PlayPass: $79.95 Group Rates (10 – 49 people): $24.95/person The Fair: Free on opening day (9am – 12pm only) Fair Gate Pass: $11.95 Fair Ride Pass: $39.75 Fright Nights: Weeknight FrightPass: $28.00 Weekend FrightPass: $33.00
V ENUES Agrodome Forum Garden Auditorium Pacific Coliseum Rollerland Meetings and Banquets Pacific Room Hastings Room
A TTENDANCE AND A UDIENCE 100 th year anniversary for the PNE in 2010 Final Attendance: 937,485 people 2009: 753,298 people 2008: 906,808 people In the last 100 years, an average of 900,000 visitors were present throughout the 17 days of The Fair every year.
T RANSPORTATION C HALLENGES /S OLUTIONS Empire Field Opened in 2010 Harder to find parking when there’s a game night (for both visitors and employees) Parking in residential areas Residents can make money Some residents don’t like it
T RANSPORTATION C HALLENGES /S OLUTIONS By transit: Several buses that stop at Playland Bike: Bike racks available outside of the gates Vehicle: Main parking lot is across from Playland Overflow parking lot available
U NIQUE A TTRIBUTES Shows & Events Sports: Vancouver Giants, BC Lions, Vancouver Whitecaps In 2010, BC Lions attendees were allowed free entrance to Playland Trade Shows Creates about 3,700 jobs in the summer Playland is a fun summer job/first job