I Love 2 Read!
Four Categories of Literature 1. Prose Fiction 2. Prose Non-Fiction 3. Poetry 4. Drama …Film/Media is also a genre.( not of literature, but a genre worth mentioning here)
Prose Fiction All forms of written or spoken expression that are drawn from the imagination ( not factual). It does not have a regular rhythmic pattern. Examples: novels, novellas, fables, parables, myth…all fictional writing except poetry and plays.
Prose Non-Fiction Intended to present facts and opinions to inform or influence readers. Examples: essays, biographies, autobiographies, magazine and newspaper articles, history books, speeches, etc.
Poetry Forms in which people have given rhythmic expression to their personal, intense experiences. Usually poetry is expressed using figurative language and/or imagery. It may or may not rhyme. Examples: nursery rhymes, songs, sonnets, epics, and more.
Drama Literature performed by actors for entertainment or for delivering a message. Plays are sometimes made into movies, but there is something special about seeing actors living a story on stage.
Genre Lesson 1. Read “Priscilla and the Wimps” by Richard Peck. 2. Each group will draw a genre and recreate the story into the chosen genre. 3. You will have ___ minutes to prepare, and then we will present your newly created masterpieces.
Reading Rate Advanced students are not immune to the common phobia of long books; however, you must never bow down to this fear. To help you become aware of your reading rate, I am providing an opportunity for a simple calculation. This is a ballpark estimate only.
To Do: We will read from Bless Me Ultima. I met the author. We will read for 10 minutes. Make sure you are comprehending your reading.
The Calcuation 1. Record your ending page number. 2. Count the number of pages you read. 3. Multiply the number of pages by six. 4. This is an estimate to determine the number of pages you are able to read in an hour. 5. Divide by sixty to estimate the number of pages you read per minute.
Why do this???? I know I read over fifty pages in an hour. When I am assigned a three hundred page novel, I will make sure to set aside at least six hours ( more for annotating and marking up the text…plus a bit of research) in order to travel through the reading adventure.