By Deran “Fuckface” Huntington
Al Capone an Italian mobster who distributed alchohal during prohibition
Bull Market A time when the stock market was doing very well
Calvin Coolidge Vice president of this time period. Didn’t speak much
Disarmament Taking away the troops of a country
Equal Rights movement Gave women and blacks the right to vote rights
Flappers Different kind of style Started smoking in public and drinking in speak easys
Garvey, Marcus Led the Harlem renaissance
Harlem Renaissance A time when black culture was being flourishing and being reborn
Integration Blacks and whites started to integrate in Harlem in New York City as blacks fought for equality
Jazz A form of music inspired by blues
Kleenex A brand of tissues, company started during this time period this
Langsten Hughes A poet and book writer. Wrote The souls Of blacks a novel that told the two sides of blacks during this time period
Marathon dancing Contests held to see who could dance the longest, tested endurance and spirit of contestants. Record is 27 straight hours held by Alma Cummings 32
New Negro movement Led by Marcus Garvey Another name for the Harlem Renaissance
“Old fashion girl” Dress and acted more traditional and formal than the flappers
Prohibition A ban of alchohal in the early 1900`s
Quote system- everybody had to do the same amount of work.
Recession An economic slump
Stocks Shares of a company that can be bought and owned by investers
“Torpedo” A hired gun, most often affiliated with mobsters and crime.
Unions Unions right were controlled by court and employees created company unions
Valentino Rudolph Valentino Famous actor played as “Sheik”
Warren G. Harding President during this time Died of a heart attack
Xylophone An instrument very popular in this time period
Yankees Babe Ruth a famous baseball player of the yankees had a 60 home run season and 714 in his season
Zora Neale Hurston Collected African American folklore, stories and prayers before the culture died