Communities in control: taking asset transfer forward Charles Woodd Community Empowerment Delivery Division
2 Key milestones Quirk Review published May 2007 Government implementation plan also May 2007 Advancing Assets for Communities demonstration programme extended November 2007 Quirk Review team take stock May/June 2008 Empowerment White Paper published July 2008
3 Raising awareness Disseminating learning Achieved: Nine regional seminars 2007/8 Input to 30+ other conferences, events Already committed: Advancing Assets – further seminar programme 2008/10 White Paper: Asset Transfer Unit (ATU) – building on Advancing Assets programme. Brief to promote, advise, campaign
4 Demonstrating how it’s done Achieved: Support for 20 demonstration areas in 2007/8 – strategy, pilot projects, lessons learned Already committed: 60 further areas in 2008/10 White Paper: 30 further areas in 2010/11 Programme to be taken forward by Asset Transfer Unit
5 Information, advice and capacity building (1) Achieved: Published guide to Managing Risks (July 08) Already committed: Local authority asset management – new guidance due summer 08 Good practice tools from Advancing Assets programme, in development Short-term review of sources of capacity building support, to promote greater accessibility
6 Information, advice and capacity building (2) White Paper: Asset Transfer Unit – expanded source of advice Communitybuilders Fund – includes 30% revenue budget to support development work CLG with Audit Commission, LGA, Treasury, ATU to explore benefits and barriers for collaborative approaches to strategic asset management across public and third sectors Consult on national framework for Community Land Trusts Encourage local authorities to make information on their assets more publicly accessible
7 Resources Achieved: OTS Community Assets Fund - £30m, 38 in- principle capital awards made April 2008 Already committed: DCSF myplace - £220m capital for youth facilities in 2008/11 White Paper: CLG Communitybuilders Fund - £70m (£49m capital, £21m revenue) to support community anchors in 2008/11
8 Strengthening bottom up pressure Already committed: Promote PROD power, with Councillor Call for Action (CCfA) once commenced Use of resources assessment in Comprehensive Area Assessment (CAA) White Paper: Guidance on CCfA to be issued with LGA later in 2008 New duty on local authorities to respond to petitions (Empowerment Bill) Petitions could also trigger full council debate
9 Key principles Persuasion better than imposition for changing behaviour Progress depends on cross-sector partnership working both locally and nationally An investment approach, with appropriate capacity building support, is crucial to successful development Asset transfer is long-term and complex – there are no quick fixes!
10 Contact Communities and Local Government Charles Woodd