Principle Information of Technology BY: KAYLA GRAY
Judge The important tasks a judge has to perform are: Research legal issues. Read and evaluate specific documents which are motions,claims and records. Have gatherings over hearings and listen. Determined if information supports the charge. Make Procedures are being followed accordantly to the rules and law. Apply laws. Have opinions, decisions, and they have to have instructions towards the case.
Environment courtroom office demanding procedures that they have to follow while in the courtroom. Which is giving there most undivided attention and being able to sit in the same position throughout the time there in the courtroom.
Significant points Skills that are need for this job are decision making skills, listening skills, reading skills, writing skills and critical thinking skills. Critical thinking skills – not getting your personal feelings involved. Decision making skills – able to weigh facts and apply the rules and laws. Listening skills – evaluate information. Reading skills- must be able to evaluate throw complex information Writing skills- project clearly so all sides understand the decision.
Certification To obtain this job you must first become a lawyer for 4 years, a law degree is required for this job, must pass a competitive exam which is from the U.S. OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGENMENT. For this job you must also be able listen well to facts that are being provided from both sides of the opposing parties.
Employment The job employment rate of judges was projected to show little or no change from 2012 to when there are new employment position a legislature has to authorize and approve so the rate remains steadily.
Job outlook The local government is expected to limit the employment growth of law judges even though we need them to settle disputes. The prestige for becoming a judge will remain with competition for the position.
Earnings or wages For a median wage earnings come up to $87,240. lowest 10 percent is less than $40,330, highest 10 percent is more than $154,380 in earnings.
Training All states have some type of gathering for new elected judges which is provided in the judicial education, training and other judicial branch's personnel's. more than half of states require judges to take continuing education while serving on the bench.
Summary In this particular field I would go for this certain occupation because I would be able to insure what is right and what's wrong and bring froth what should be done to those who thought it was okay to do something that was not right towards the law. And also in this field I would be given my service and skills in able to make decisions which I fill is needed greatly to keep justice up lifted In todays society.