THE ANSWERS YOU MAY NEED All about Autism Beth Green
Questions What is Autism? Is there a treatment? What are the symptoms? What is the history of Autism? What is Social Stories? What are the behavioral effects? What are the social difficulties?
Autism is… Autism Spectrum Disorder is a life long condition. Autism is characterized by three distinctive behaviors: Social interaction Verbal and non-verbal communication Repetitive behaviors Autistic Spectrum: autism is not a one word condition, people who have it all act differently compared to each other and to the general population (Worth, p. 2). Scientists are unsure what causes autism, but it is most likely from genetics and the environment (Autism, par. 2). Current research states that autism is caused by neurological impairment affecting brain chemistry and/or brain structure (Scheuermann, p. 2).
Treatment Autism is a disorder without a cure BUT, There is therapy and interventions that help to improve the child’s symptoms. The earlier the intervention the better! Treatment plans vary with the severity of the child’s behavior and symptoms. Social stories is a technique used to teach children in the school setting to follow the story and lessons in the story.
Characteristics Classic Kranner Syndrome: Inability to relate to others Resistance to being picked up by parents Excellent rote memory Early specific food preferences Extreme fear reactions to loud noises Maintenance of sameness and obsessive repetitive behavior Normal physical appearance Categories of autism include behavioral excesses or behavioral deficits; children may show behaviors that disturbs others around them and can be dangerous by aggression or self-abuse (Scheuermann, p. 5).
History It is said to be that the characteristics of autism were seen before the 20 th century (Scheuermann,p. 2). In 1943 a physician named Leo Kanner published a description of common set of characteristics that depicted their symptoms (Worth, p. 1). In 1944 Hans Asperger published his findings which added a few more observations to Kanners (Worth, p. 1). Motor clumsiness and lack of coordination Relatively normal language development and abilities
Social Stories Social Stories is a technique that was tested on children to improve several social behaviors that are very difficult to learn. It is a three step process that starts with a story written in large text on white paper with simple pictures of no pictures (Nelson). First the children listen to a story that relates to their targeted behavior. Second the children answer comprehension questions to make sure of their understanding of the story. Lastly the children role-play the main idea of the story (Nelson).
Behaviors Common Behavioral Deficits and Excesses: Receptive language Tantrums Expressive language Screaming Communicative intent Self-stimulation Social skills Self-abuse Self-care skills Aggression Compliance Refusing to follow directions Work skills Eye contact Academic skills (Scheuermann, p. 6). As children learn communicative and functioning skills difficult behavior should decrease.
Social Difficulties Difficulties in : planning and organizing, generalizing skills and learning, adapting to change, repetition of words or actions, controlling impulses, and multi-tasking (Worth, p. 12). Range of social communication difficulties Difficulties with understanding and using all non-verbal forms of communication, personal space Limited knowledge of conversational ‘rules’ Limited understanding of their own and other people’s feelings and emotions; restricted empathy skills making them seem blunt and thoughtless Limited understanding of the ‘short hand’ that we use in social contact Different styles to talk to different people Social encounters for example saying hello verses kicking someone (worth, p. 13).
Works Cited "Autism Information Page: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)." National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Nov Nelson, Samantha "Social Stories Help Children with Autism." Behavior Analysis Digest International 21.2 (2009): 7. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 16 Nov Scheuermann, Brenda, and Jo Webber. Autism: Teaching Does Make a Difference. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing, Print. Worth, Sarah. Autistic Spectrum Disorders (Sen). New York: Continuum International Publishing Group, Print.