Math Teacher Oxford Middle School Oxford, Michigan Mr. Sterba’s Math Class Math Teacher Oxford Middle School Oxford, Michigan
Welcome to Mr. Sterba’s Classroom Procedures & Guidelines
Am I in the right room?
Who is this teacher as a person?
Will this teacher treat me fairly? Yes, Always!
What will I be doing this year?
How will I be graded?
What are the rules / guidelines in this classroom? Basic Classroom Guidelines Be on-time to class working when bell rings Come to class prepared with ALL materials Follow directions the first time given – Stay on task without distracting others! Treat EVERYONE with respect Follow ALL procedures and policies as outlined in the OMS and Oxford Schools handbook Do your best ~ have a winning attitude!!! Don’t “Whine” ~ “No Whining Zone”
Guideline Infraction Notice (Green Slip) Read it Sign it Keep it until the end of class See Mr. Sterba after class
Green Slip
Following Guidelines will result in: Verbal Acknowledgement A Stress free learning environment A pleasant and orderly classroom atmosphere which usually means more time to work in class and less homework!!!
Not Following Guidelines will result in: 1st Warning and documentation (Green Slip) Stand outside the classroom 2nd Action Plan , Parental Contact, and 30 minute after school detention 3rd Disciplinary Referral (Sent to Office)
After an excused absence Go to the moodle website or look on the board Copy the homework assignment Retrieve any handouts from Mr. Sterba No make-up work for unexcused absences Make-up tests handled on case by case basis
Agendas Should be brought to class and filled out DAILY. Your agenda tells your parents and you what you need to do for homework and helps your remember. The daily agenda is on the board it should be copied daily and homework should be recorded whether complete or not. I will do random checks of agendas to make sure they are filled out!
HOMEWORK You will have homework most days. I do the very best I can to not assign homework on Friday; this does not mean it will never happen. All homework assignments are practice you are graded on whether it is done and not whether it is right or wrong. Please try! Study Links Due on day after assigned Participation & Class observation
HOMEWORK Random homework quizzes will be given to see how you are doing. Questions will be similar to the homework previously assigned. Project, tests, and quizzes are assessments are graded and your homework is what makes you successful on these. Your homework is very important and you will grade it yourself in pen and I will look at it daily. Participation is important ~ Ask questions, as well as answer questions ~ graded on what is observed!!!
Student “Yellow Caution Card” This is for students who do not have the assigned homework Fill it out Sign and date it Turn it in with the homework papers
Student “Yellow Caution Card”
LATE HOMEWORK with Yellow Card You are responsible for doing it whether or not it is late. If not complete, you will do it at lunch detention or after school in a homework club If still not done you will come in on a Saturday in order to make sure it is done Your responsibility is to be a good student and to do the best you can. HOMEWORK IS A MUST!!
Assessments Quizzes happen during the units. Depending on your cooperation they might never be a surprise. They always have different point values. Tests come at the end of a unit and are always worth 100 points. We have projects to go with some units and those are usually 100 points as well and are a balance for a test if you do not do well.
Classroom Discussions PLEASE participate I want to hear what you have to say Make all questions and comments relevant to the current discussion If your question is off the topic, write it down and ask later.
What Do I Do Next? Activities Clean-up your area and room Work on unfinished Math assignments Read your “choice” novel Work on your math notes Review for test / quizzes Start working on tonight's homework from math first and then other classes
IMPORTANT! Not every day can be fun! We will have fun activities through out the year so that we can enjoy the year! Have a good time and learn with your new friends and with me! I am here to help so PLEASE always ask me questions when you need too!! I am so excited to be with you and I know we can all be successful!
I truly believe in your potential and I want you to believe in it too! Remember… I truly believe in your potential and I want you to believe in it too! Have an awesome year! Mr. Sterba