Agenda Goals Collections Organization of Materials Staff Management Services Opening hours Facilities Budget Information Technology
Goals The goals of MEDIU library are: a)To develop relevant information resources and provide easy access to the students, academic staff and researchers of MEDIU. b)Eexploit the potential of information technology in all areas to deliver a wide spectrum of excellent information services. c)Train human resources of the library to ensure delivery of quality services and to maintain a high level of professionalism
Collections I.The Library will be responsible to develop the collection to support the curriculum and programmes of the University. a)Required Readings for the programmes: The library will make available adequate copies of all required readings based on the curriculums. The collection will include text books and core journals. The Library will also purchase a substantial amount of e- collections and subscribe to online journals. b)Reference materials: The library will ensure at least a copy or more of relevant reference sources are available. Apart from the general reference materials, the reference sources will be as stipulated by the curriculum. e.g.: i.Al-Wafi : mu’jam wasit lil-lughah al-’Arabiyah ii.Qamus Radd al-’Ammi ila al-fasih iii.Kitab Al-Mukhassas iv.Dictionary of Arabic & Islamic proverbs
Collections…..Con c)Light reading materials In addition to the reading materials required for the courses, light reading materials will also be acquired for leisure reading. e.g.: i.Novels. ii.News weeks… etc.
Collections…..Con II.Preservation and Conservation: The Library shall provide in-house or utilize external f or the preservation and conservation of the collection. III.Collection size: The size of the collection for a population of 500 students will be about 18,000 volumes. If the number of students increases, the number of students will increase accordingly by the ratio of 1 student to 12 volumes.
Collections…..Con IV.Rate of collection growth: The rate of collection growth will take into consideration the following factors: a)Introduction of new courses b)Publications of new editions c)Availability of new courses d)Increase in student population
Organization of Materials I.The library will be ensure the collection is organized for efficient retrieval by using internationally accepted cataloguing and classification systems: a)Cataloguing - Anglo American Cataloguing Rules (AACR2) b)Classification - Library of Congress Classification Scheme c)Subject Headings - Library of Congress Subject Headings II.A web-based OPAC will be made available for the library patrons. It is also to facilitate multiple access and networking with other libraries.
Staff I.Qualifications: a)Professional staff: Librarians appointed possess minimum qualifications of a degree and library professional qualification, at par with the qualification required by the government of the level of S3 or equivalent. Preference given to knowledge of ICT or Arabic language. b) Support staff: Possess a minimum of qualifications as specified in the New Remuneration Scheme or equivalent.
Staff II.Size of staff Professional staff: 5 (Management, Acquisitions, Cataloguing, Lending & Reference) Library Assistants: 2 Attendant: 1 If the student population exceeds 1,000, additional staff shall be recruited in the following ratio: Category of staffAdditional Staff required: For every increase of Professional staff Library Assistants Attendants 1 : 400 students 1 : 200 students 1 : 800 students
Management A Library Committee is established to determine policies and procedures and shall comprise of representatives from all Kulliyyahs/departments. The Chief Executive of the Library shall be known as the Chief Librarian who shall be directly responsible to the CEO of the University. The Chief Librarian shall not be less than S1 in the government scheme of service.
Services The Library shall establish, promote and maintain a range and quality of services that will support the academic programmes and encourage optimal use of the library.
Opening hours i.Opening hours will depend on curricular needs, the number of fulltime and part-time students as well as policies of the University. The Library shall provide evening, night and week-end access appropriate to its needs. ii.Leading Services: Lending of library materials will be determined by local conditions such as the size of the collection, the number of copies and the extent of the user community needs. iii.Reference Services: Reference services will be made available to its patrons either physically or online as deem appropriate. iv.User Education: The library will ensure that user education be provided to enable its patrons to use the library systems to support learning, teaching and research needs. v.Photocopying Services: The Library shall provide efficient photocopying facilities to its patrons.
Facilities The Library shall provide adequate space for its collection, staff and users as well as for the proper utilization of the collection and services.
Budget The Chief Librarian shall have the responsibility for preparing the budget, defending, administering and monitoring the Library budget in accordance to its agreed objectives.
Information Technology The Library shall adopt ICT in all areas that will increase efficiency in day to day operation, information management and the use of the library; and facilitate cooperation/resource sharing and networking among libraries.