Belgian Adaptation actions Johan Bogaert Julien Hoyaux
6th EIONET workshop 'Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation' Brussels, May 2012 Regional Adaptation (Action) Plans Adaptation: from EU to Belgian cities EU. White Paper National Adaptation Plan Flemish Walloon Brussels Regional and/or Sectoral Impacts, Vulnerability & Adaptation actions Assessments Clearinghouse Mechanism Adaptation tools EU Belgium Regions Cities Federal Climate Modelling Climate Research EAS
6th EIONET workshop 'Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation' Brussels, May 2012 National adaptation 1.The base for adaptation to Climate Change ( universities sponsored by the Belgian Science Policy Office ) CCI-Hydr ( ) CLIMAR ( ) -Report “Evaluation of climate change impacts and adaptation responses for marine activities” Focus on coastal protection, fisheries and tourism
6th EIONET workshop 'Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation' Brussels, May 2012 Belgian sea fisheries (CLIMAR) Primary effects Secundary effects temperature storminess ecological economical social
6th EIONET workshop 'Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation' Brussels, May 2012 Coastal tourisme (CLIMAR)
6th EIONET workshop 'Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation' Brussels, May 2012 Ranking of strategies (CLIMAR)
6th EIONET workshop 'Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation' Brussels, May 2012 Regional aspects: Wallonia 2011: CC IVA Assessment study (≈ €) Vulnerability assessment to current climate + Regional climatic projections based on ENSEMBLES Impacts & Vulnerability assessment to future Proposals of adaptation actions Results : validated by experts consultation & feeding regional plan
6th EIONET workshop 'Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation' Brussels, May 2012 Regional aspects: Wallonia 2012: Vulnerability to CC Diagnostic Tool dedicated to cities Objectives: -local CC IVA assessment : scaling down from the regional assessment -Information exchange : between regional & local level -Sensitisation of cities – raising of awareness (first step of a local action plan) Scientific Base High degree of precision Friendly use Available soon : June 2012
6th EIONET workshop 'Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation' Brussels, May 2012 Regional aspects: Flanders Flanders Environment Outlook 2030 (
6th EIONET workshop 'Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation' Brussels, May 2012 Regional aspects: Flanders 1.Flemish adaptation plan Sectorial : written by the different departments from the Flemish government (Water, Environment, Nature, Industry and Services, Energy, Transportation, Tourism, Agriculture, Fisheries, Built Environment, Health, Development Cooperation) Major themes: -Climate Reflex -Research and Monitoring -Awareness -Balanced water -Healthy Soil -Robust Nature -Slim building -Economic Strengthening
6th EIONET workshop 'Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation' Brussels, May 2012 Regional aspects: Flanders 1.Sectoral studies Water studies -applied : 2005 Sigmaplan +60 cm sea level Agricultural Study Spatial planning “LNE adapteert” (adapting environment, Nature and Energy) 2.Subject studies Socio-economic study: Adaptation to climate change : overall cost and practical examples
6th EIONET workshop 'Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation' Brussels, May 2012 Agricultural Study laag klimaatveranderingscenario Climate Change Scenario From “Adaptatiemogelijkheden van de Vlaamse landbouw aan klimaatverandering” zie lowhigh cereals potatoes sugar beet grain corn vegetables in open air vegetables under glass fruit dairy cattle beef cattle pigs productivity
6th EIONET workshop 'Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation' Brussels, May 2012 LNE adapteert Report on effects Report on measures Report on strategies
6th EIONET workshop 'Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation' Brussels, May 2012 Regional aspects: Flanders 1.Investment by flemish government (IWT) -VR1 : Integrated assessment of spatial climate change impacts in Flanders – Mirrored to the Dutch experiences. -VR2 : Methods for future land-use projections for Flanders
6th EIONET workshop 'Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation' Brussels, May 2012 Regional aspects: Brussels and Federal government 1.Studies Brussels region -similar to Walloon study -final report end of June Federal government -starting soon -Included in the tender help to develop federal adaptation plan.
6th EIONET workshop 'Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation' Brussels, May 2012 Thanks to our Belgian team National Climate Commission ( and Coordination Committee for International Environmental Policy) Working group on adaptation (CABAO) Yannick Ghelen - federal environment - international Annemie Van der Avort – federal external affaires Aline Veulemans – Brussels region Julien Hoyaux – Walloon region Maarten Van Leest – Flemish region Johan Bogaert – Flemish region – national - Europe