1 15 November 2004 CCSDS Security Architecture 15 th November 2004 Toulouse
2 CCSDS Security Architecture Security Principles Open standards based No protection by obscurity Expandable Flexible Includes Key Management Allows for fault management.
3 CCSDS Security Architecture Mission Profiles Manned Space Weather –LEO –GEO Communications –LEO Constellation –GEO Science –Near Earth/ Earth Orbit –Lunar –Deep Space Navigation Mixed-organisational Vehicles
4 CCSDS Security Architecture Communications Scenario
5 CCSDS Security Architecture Architecture Requirements Systems resulting from the application of the security architecture should be modular. The architecture must support layering. The core architecture must be inexpensive to build and run. Systems resulting from the application of the security architecture must be upgradeable to allow for long lasting missions. Systems resulting from the application of the core architecture must make efficient use of available computing and communications resources. Architecture must support non-continuous communications links.
6 CCSDS Security Architecture Architecture Requirements (Cont.) Architecture must support large delays in communication links. Architecture must be fault tolerant Architecture must allow for intermediate communication nodes - both planned and unplanned. Architecture must support mixed security domains onboard a spacecraft or ground facility. Architecture must support the use of common infrastructure. Architecture must be robust and reliable.
7 CCSDS Security Architecture Proposed Architecture 3 Types of Security –Discreet Message – based on PKI concepts, used for CFDP –Streaming packet – based on SCPS –Link level – Link level encryption All types can work independantly and be layered Core algorithms will be mandated –However extra/new algorthims can be added Current decision on whether a null algorithm will be allowed for missions where the overhead is too high.
8 CCSDS Security Architecture Key Management Pre-Load –Needs prior planning – inflexible Key Agreement –Very Flexible but takes time before each communication can occur. Public Key –Flexible and efficient Identity based Encryption –Almost limitlessly flexible but very new technology.
9 CCSDS Security Architecture END