Chalkboard Challenge Mrs. Hawthorne
StudentsTeachers Game BoardMammalsBirdsInsectsSpidersSnakes Let’s Play Final Challenge
StudentsTeachers Game Board Who cares for the baby mammals? 100 One or both parents Mammals for 100
StudentsTeachers Game Board What do mammals feed their newborn babies? 200 Babies are fed with the mother’s milk. Mammals for 200
StudentsTeachers Game Board Is a mammal warm or cold blooded animal? 300 Warm Blooded Animal Mammals for 300
StudentsTeachers Game Board Do mammals have hair? 400 Yes, all do at one time. Mammals for 400
StudentsTeachers Game Board Are humans mammals? 500 Yes Mammals for 500
StudentsTeachers Game Board What covers a bird? 100 Feathers Birds for 100
StudentsTeachers Game Board How do feathers help birds? 200 Feathers protect the skin, help keep the bird warm, and waterproof the body. Birds for 200
StudentsTeachers Game Board What are the bones like? 300 Hollow like straw Birds for 300
StudentsTeachers Game Board Why are the bones hollow? 400 The bones make the bird lighter and able to fly. Birds for 400
StudentsTeachers Game Board Who cares for the baby bird? 500 Mother or Father Birds for 500
StudentsTeachers Game Board How many legs does an insect have? 100 Six Insects for 100
StudentsTeachers Game Board How many body parts does an insect have? 200 Three Insects for 200
StudentsTeachers Game Board Can an insect have wings? 300 Yes Insects for 300
StudentsTeachers Game Board Is a spider an insect? 400 No Insects for 400
StudentsTeachers Game Board What do insects eat? 500 Plants and other insects. Insects for 500
StudentsTeachers Game Board Are spiders helpful to people? 100 Yes, they eat unwanted insects. Spiders for 100
StudentsTeachers Game Board How many body parts does a spider have? 200 Two Spiders for 200
StudentsTeachers Game Board How many legs does a spider have? 300 Eight Spiders for 300
StudentsTeachers Game Board Are all spiders poisonous? 400 No Spiders for 400
StudentsTeachers Game Board Do all spiders spin a web? 500 No Spiders for 500
StudentsTeachers Game Board How big is the smallest snake? 100 Small as a thread. Snakes for 100
StudentsTeachers Game Board What is the biggest snake? 200 Anaconda Snakes for 200
StudentsTeachers Game Board Are all snakes poisonous? 300 No Snakes for 300
StudentsTeachers Game Board How does a snake scare off predators? 400 By looking scary, rattling a tail, curling up in a ball, venom Snakes for 400
StudentsTeachers Game Board How does a snake eat a large mouse? 500 By unlocking it’s jaws and swallowing it whole. Snakes for 500
StudentsTeachers Game Board Write Your Final Challenge Wager Did you have fun? Final Challenge End Game TIME’S UP! TIME’S UP! Yes, of course you did!
Game Over Mrs. Hawthorne
Double Score DOUBLE SCORE!