Trapdoor Spider By Lucy and William
What Do They Eat? Trapdoor spiders eat insects and bugs. They cant choo their food so they jringk it. When spiders catch bugs they bite with their fangs and put poezn. Poezn makes the bugs bode like bug soop. Spiders eat evrything but the bugs outside.
Where Do They Live? Trapdoor spiders dig tunls and live in the grownd. They make silk and make a door in the burrow.
How Do They Catch Their Prey? It hides in a hole and wate for insects to come. They can feel the insects comeing with their hare on the legs. They jump out of their burrow to catch the insects.
Enemies Wasps eat trapdoor spiders. They come in troo the trapdoor and sting the spider and then eat them.
Helpful or Harmful Trapdoor spiders dont hrt humns. They are helpful because they eat bugs. We dont have too many bugs because spiders eat them.
Interesting Facts Trapdoor spiders lay their eggs in the burrow. They can move havey things. 140 times their wate. They catch bugs at nite.
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