Andrew Jackson Represents something new Tennessee 1812 Hero Led Florida Invasion Bitter from “Corrupt Bargain” 1828 Election Expand suffrage Spoils System “King Andrew”
The Era of Jackson Opposed Federal Money for local projects Supported Interstate Projects Pork Barrel Jackson and States Rights –“to our union, it must be preserved” Calhoun and Nullification (re: tarriffs) “Understanding you now, no further communication with you on this subject is necessary.”
Andrew Jackson as the Great Father
Jackson and Indian Removal 1830 Indian Removal Act Cherokees adoption of American ways Seminoles – military resistance Cherokees – Legal resistance (John Ross) Worcester v. Georgia Trail of Tears –25% die en route Genocide?
Jackson and the Bank 2 nd 20yr charter to expire Bank of US supporters claim bank = stability Jackson claims bank is Undemocratic Claims it makes rich richer + leads to foreign control Vetoes renewal Withdraws federal deposits Deposits to “Pet Banks” Creates concerns about inflation Initial speculation boom leads to later Panic
Jacksonian Legacy Van Buren as successor – deals with Panic of 1837 Whig party emerges Increased democracy / voting rights / workers rights Spoils System Destruction of the Bank Indian Removal One of two “powerful” presidents pre 20 th Century
The Hermitage – Andrew Jackson’s home built around 1804 Back side Front side
TRUE OR FALSE “Jackson’s removal / destruction of Native American groups from the American south was inevitable and necessary because their unwillingness / refusal to assimilate into American culture represented a threat to the surrounding communities.” Based on what you know about Cherokee Indian society in the early 1800s was this statement true or false. Use at least 2 examples to support your answer.
The Vann House – Built in Georgia around 1804 by James Vann a Cherokee leader of mixed blood. The Hermitage – Andrew Jackson’s home built around 1804