Native American Housing Day 3 Br: Amanda Brown
Wigwam Used by the Algonquin Indians. Ideal for people staying in the same place for months at a time. AKA birchbark houses Usually about 8-10 feet tall Shaped like a dome
Tepee Used by the Plain Indians Cone shaped wooden frame with a covering buffalo hide. Designed to set up and break down easily. Good for people always on the move.
Longhouse Good homes for people intending to stay a long time Range from up to 150 ft long, 20 ft wide, & 20 ft high Housed as many as 60 people.
Grass House Resemble Wigwams but made with different material. Large buildings sometimes up to 40 feet tall. Good homes for people in warm climates.
Chickee Used primarily in Florida by the Seminole Indians. No walls Good homes for a hot and swampy climate. The long posts kept the house from sinking into marshy Earth.
Adobe AKA Pueblos Used by the Pueblo Indians of the Southwest. Made of clay and straw baked together to make hard bricks. Can contain dozens of individual units inside.