Pesticides: The Problems and The Solutions By: Heather Burke
What is a Pesticide? Any substance used in plant control or production. Pesticides include various types of killing chemicals. If any establishment or person claims a product’s use is to control a pest, it’s a pesticide. Pesticides are divided into two groups: The Unclassified and Restricted Use.
The Three Types of Pesticide Applicators Commercial Pesticide Applicator Noncommercial Pesticide Applicator Private Pesticide Applicator
Several Federally Registered Pesticides Shotgun Harness Magnacide H and B Lasso Temik Fumex Mitac Amizol Chemonite Osmose K-33 Atrazine Zephyr Avitrol Guthion Turcam Capture 2
Pesticides and Food
Healthy Food One can be exposed to pesticides through food, water, and air WASHING PEELING AND TRIMMING FOOD VARIETY
Health Problems Several types of health problems caused by pesticides Pesticide effects depend on toxic level Federal government regulates pesticide use and distribution
Types of Pesticides on Food Insecticides Rodenticides Herbicides Fungicides Antimicrobials
What is “Organically Grown”? Food grown using no synthetic fertilizers or pesticides Upward trend in consumer purchase of organic goods National Organic Standards
What is “Integrated Pest Management”? Based on common sense safety rules Uses alternative measures to enact pest- control Mechanical trapping devices
Pesticides and Children Children have still-developing internal organs Children eat and drink more then adults relative to their weight Childhood behaviors facilitate the consumption of pesticides
Government Regulations of Pesticides Review studies Registration Review Limits The Food Quality Protection Act
Possible Solutions
Sustainable Agriculture Program Fort Hall demonstration project Farmer networks Farm research Farm tours Workshops Lender Education
School Pesticide Reduction NCAP’s School Pesticide Use Reduction Program Goals of the Project
Public Education Importance of Publication Resources for the public Library Staff
Pesticide Information Program Oregon Pesticide Knowledge Law Current Pesticide Statistics Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides
Inerts Disclosure Campaign Basic information Campaign successes Various forms of participation