Security Collection Protection at the Austin History Center
Introduction Security issues from the Archivist’s viewpoint Specifics about expectations for securing the building when the building is closed, but meetings are taking place Discussion of threats to archives and tour to examine trouble spots
Overview Archives are unique and valuable By examining the common threats to archives, we will be better able to protect the collection and preserve it for future use Loc ks Safety Environment Preservation Computers Solutions Archives Threats
Collection Protection Policies & procedures Physical examination and observation Keys, locks and doors, and Training to preserve the unbroken chain of custody and the physical well-being of the materials in our care
Common Threats Pests--no food except in the staff room/ pest control/ remove trash Light & dust--gray acid-free boxes and file folders/ window treatments Water--keep things up on pallets & avoid placing items on the floor/ watch the roof and vaults Environment--stable temperatures and reasonable fluctuations in humidity Biggest threat of all -- People
People AHC & AHCA Staff, APL Staff, Meeting Room Users, Reading Room Users, Vendors Keys, Locks and Doors Policies and Procedures
Revisiting Policies and Procedures Volunteer supervision Meeting room booking Opening procedures Closing procedures Key distribution & control Security presence Security systems
Issues Not Covered Exterior security Lighting, landscaping, perimeter detection Reading Room Training, policies, supervision, registration, lockers, collection retrieval and control, staffing, What to do when theft is discovered Notifications, actions to take
Summary Effective Internal Security Programs (1) recognize that there is potential for a problem, (2) demonstrate a willingness to tackle the problem, and (3) practice consistent adherence to procedures. Your thoughts and suggestions….
Where to Get More Information Other training sessions -- Amigos Collection Security, Disaster Preparedness Brown, Karen E. “Collections Security: Planning and Prevention for Libraries and Archives,” in Preservation of Library & Archival Materials: A Manual, 3rd edition, Sherelyn Ogden, Ed. Andover, MA: Northeast Document Conservation Center, Trinkaus-Randall, Gregor. Protecting Your Collections: A Manual of Archival Security. Chicago: Society of American Archivists, 1995.