Multimedia MCI Control
MCI control enables a program to interact with any multimedia device connected to the computer that supports Media Control Interface (MCI)- which is a standard for controlling multimedia devices Example of this devices: MIDI sequences, CD-Rom devices, audio players, video disk players…..
MCI control is an ActiveX component you should add it to your project before using it The control provides a series of buttons that corresponds to typical buttons on a multimedia device such as a CD player or a VCR
MCI control property and events Command DeviceType Shareable A string that specifies the command To execute Close, Play, Pause, Stop, Back Prev, Next, Seek, Record, Eject a string that specifies the type of the Device AVIVIDEO, CDAUDIO, DAT, DIGITALVIDEO, MMOVIE, WAVAUDIO OTHERS Determines if the device can between Applications (true/false)
Track TrackLenght Tracks UpdateInterval Wait buttonEnabled buttonVisible Specifies the current track Determines the length of the current Track Specified by the Track property Specifies the total number of tracks Specifies the number of milliseconds Between calls to the statusUpdate Event procedure Determines if the next MCI command Should complete before returning Control to the application (true/false) Determine if a button on the control is Enabled or disabled (True/False) Determine if a button on the control is Visibel or invisible (True/False)
Events StatusUpdate buttonClick buttonCompleted buttonGotFocus buttonLostfocus Done Called at fixed intervals specified by The UpdataInterval to allow an Application to update the display And inform the user about the current Status of the MCI control Called when a button on the MCI is Clicked Called when a command is complete Called when a button becomes the Active button Called when a previously active Button becomes inactive Called when the current command complete