1 e-Infrastructures: the European Perspective on Scientific Data Carlos Morais Pires INFSO Directorate F Unit F3 “The views expressed in this presentation are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission”
2 Quantity and Paradigm Shift Modern Science makes increasing use of information and communication technologies –new instruments for experimentation, observation, measurement are made available (link with physical infrastructures) –new possibilities for research in all domains, to use and share ‘experimental data’ and link it with models, simulation, software and dissemination papers Volumes of scientific data produced or exchanged is growing very fast Scientific Digital Repositories: brief introduction
3 Capturing Reality: scientific data becomes infrastructure
FP7/Capacities 2007: (15 Million €: Call 1 – closed May 2007) : Scientific Repositories The Continuum – in time: (forever) expandability of repositories, curation and preservation – between raw data to publications: linking data with computation and dissemination tools – between different scientific domains: the use of data across different disciplines of science – between research and education – role of research infrastructures to link research and its dissemination through education Figure: Klein Bottle with Moebius Band. Reference to article "Imaging maths - Inside the Klein bottle" at The Klein bottle is a non- orientable surface found by Felix Klein in 1882 while working on a topological classification of surfaces. Scientific Digital Repositories in FP7: 2007/08 e-Infrastructres in Capacities Programme FP7/Capacities 2008: (20 Million € planned in a future Call) : Scientific Data Infrastructure
Further Information & Contact Contact and Further Infortmaion: Carlos Morais Pires Further information Scientific Digital Repositories (closed 2 nd May)